Take my hand, and take my life too🌷

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I couldn't sleep without writing and then posting it.


Becky POV

This is an evening time. I am in taxi on the way towards her home. I hope I can see her there. I have already took time, I won't anymore. Its like I can't stop myself anymore. I need to tell her.

The cab stopped and I saw it's the opposite side. I just told he driver it would be fine. Stepping out of the cab I was instantly touched by cold breeze. Is it going to rain again? I looked up, yup its definitely. I smiled at it. Even this is sad when it rains I can feel my heart is still happy with my new found feeling. Is it feels this good to like someone? Maybe. I was so into my thoughts, that I didn't notice my ringtone went off. Its Irin. At this time? I took it immediately. I have to tell her too.

"Hello Princess." I giggled as soon as I heard her. She sounds happy too.

"Hello Renee." I wrapped my free arm around me, maybe I shouldn't have worn a drees. Its cold.

"Wao you seem happy. Good. I want to know, if you need something from China?" China?

"China?" What the hell? So suddenly?

"Yeah. Actually there is a international summit for all the business. So many CEOs and other important people are going to be there. And since I am the only trainee now so I am also accompanying P'Noey. P'Freen will be there too I think." P'Freen is leaving? It made my smile drop. Why?

"That's great. But for how long this summit is going to be?" Will I have to wait more? And what if she meets someone there that...NO Beck, stop it.

"Umm from tomorrow to till 11, next month. Probably more. Why?" Its 2 weeks. How am I going to? Why? Why nothing just turn out to be on my side for once?

"Oh. Nothing. Well I am happy. You will get more time to spend with P'Noey." She giggled and took a deep breath. There was a silence before she spoke.

"Well honestly Princess, it doesn't matter that much now. I mean it's a blessing to be by her side and I feel tremendously happy, but I have realised something. You know, to be with her or not, my feelings are not only limited to that. You see, when I am with her I enjoy myself and when we are not her thoughts are always with me. So event though she is not present there, it's like having her with me all the time." I heard her crying. But its not out of sadness she exceptionally happy.

"I-I, you know, when we were like strangers, I use to think when I will be with her, I will make her fall for me, I will do this or I will do that. But since we have started to spend time together, this whole time made me realised; I don't have to do anything extra or be someone I am not. IF she will like me for who I am that's when I can say, it would be love. Beck, I used to be desperate and so anxious if she will reciprocate my feelings or not, but look at me now, I just wanna be there for her, in her all good and bad times. She has changed me for good Beck. She made me fall in love with myself, something I had forgot to do." She has never opened up like this before. We always used to have a conversation about me, or something else.

Love has changed my best friend for so much better.

"Beck, this, everything, it is making me fall for her more and more. It's like even I am not in a relationship, yet, we are still connected with bond that she doesn't share with anyone. And that's what is special." We both are crying. I am happy for my best friend.

"I am so happy for you Renee." I genuinely am.

I have seen her previous relationships, how bad it made feel about herself, she came out of it eventually. But this; she is happy.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now