In my end is my beginning 🌷

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Freen POV

It's 8 in the morning. All the people in the world are probably raised already and have started their day. But here I am, lying in bed, cause today my day is pretty lazy and late. I have so much in my mind. And that's why, I didn't sleep an ounce last night too. Thinking, about how today will turn out and all.

My morning is never a good one, till I don't get to complain about her nonstop ringing alarms and still, none of them being enough to wake her up; for a light sleeper like me, it's pure torture. And her habits like tossing and turning a thousand times, till she is on top of me completely. Or like, adjusting the room temperature at the level, which gives you a feeling of being in Antarctica.

With the feeling of logging by remembering all these things I was already feeling annoyed, and the heavy sunlight from the windows, wasn't helping either. I groaned in annoyance as I turned to the other side of the bed roaming my hands on it, in an attempt to find her so I could bury my face in her neck and this annoying sunlight would go away.

But it didn't happen. The side of her bed was empty.

Oh, how could I forget?

It's been 5 days in a row when she is not here and I am bound to sleep on my own. I think my body has grown so much over her, that I am not ready to accept her absence. Even after nearly a week.

So, I turned again. Sleeping on my stomach this time, I buried my face in the pillow.

Now, they don't smell like her either.

I opened my eyes a little to find her picture on the table beside the bed.

Now I want her here.


I signed out loud as I closed my eyes to get some sleep. And to shoo this feeling away. But who was I kidding? Nothing goes in my favor these days.

Before I could even get a minute of sleep, my bedroom door snapped open, making a loud voice as I heard my best friend along with it.

"Rise and shine Mu Deang. It a big day for youuuuuu..........."

Here we go.

I heard her voice coming closer as she took my comforter and didn't even bother to listen to my complaints as she continued,

"Oh my goshhhhhhhhh.......I cannot believe you are still sleeping. Freen Sarocha.........wake up."

And she hit me with the pillow. I groaned once again knowing that I had to wake up now or she would not be hesitant to hit me more or worse, will throw freezing cold water over me.

Yeah, she has done this before. And not a fan.

I don't know why, but all the women I know have this weird habit of getting the things they say or want, done. And by any means.

Despite my internal voice, I sat up and rested my head on the headboard and once I did that my eyelashes started to close again.

But no. Not gonna happen.

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