You fight for your love 🌷

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Our angel is in Paris, for her new shoot.

She is getting more and more recognized with time. Let's cheer for her.


Freen POV

So as Becky told us to do, none of us has informed the police yet. The only thing we did was keep watch over Non. About where he goes, whoever he meets, and everything. Surprisingly, he has never left his new apartment to meet anyone. Just when he will need some supplies for his survival. Like food or something. But we knew it might be just for a show or something, cause whoever is with him is smart enough not to make these mistakes. So instead of stopping there, we did what I and others had planned on doing. We have been trying to get into his electronic appliances, like a phone, laptop, MacBook, or such. I know we will find something there. I know it's hard and probably illegal, but to keep my people safe, this kind of risk is nothing for me.

It's been a few days since Becky had met Non in that restaurant and I think he is going to call her for those papers sometime soon. So we had to be prepared. We have made some duplicate peppers that would look like they are legal and also forged the father's signature.

Oh, Nons father.

He is also nothing but some piece of trash. I know shouldn't talk about elders like that, but I cannot help it. I met him, so we could get his help, but that man just kept talking nuisance and didn't even care about anything else than money. I mean they have enough to feed the next 7 generations, what else do they need this much money for? Breathing? Or they are going to pay money for better sleep?

These things are out of my understanding level, and I don't wish to understand them either. Whatever I have right now, I know only some part of it is going to be used by me and my family. Other than that, it is for the well-being of society, for the people who are not capable of having basic things like food, clothes, and education. Also, the people who give their honesty and hard work to me, have their fair share of this money too. And about the question of my future generation? Well, they will have to find their own way into this world, I am not going to spoil them, and if I think about my fiancé, I think she would agree to this too, plus I think she might turn out to be a more strict parent than me.

And I cannot wait to live that life.

All this I was thinking while sitting in my office and let me tell you, no matter how severe and terrible the situation we are in right now, these thoughts just put a smile on my face, give me hope to live, and look forward to my tomorrow.

I was busy thinking about those things and suddenly my phone rang. When I looked at it, it showed it was from my lovely cuz. I immediately answered it.

I just hope she will have something good to tell.

As soon as I kept it near my ear, I was greeted by her confidant's voice, "Hello my dear cousin. Are you having a good day?"

With nothing on my mind to tell her, I just leaned back on my chair more and answered her with a sigh, "Ummm it depends.....on what news you have for me?"

After I questioned her, I heard her soft laugh, and I just hoped it was a good sign. She also let out an audible loud sigh and spoke, "Oh Freen. It is news and I am so damn sure it is a good one. No matter how your day is, I am just about to make it a great one for you."

No matter how impatient I was, that crackhead had to take her dramatic pause before she continued, "Guess what? We managed to get into his phone and laptop successfully. And it seems that he has nothing but some immature games and dirty things in it. But I came across something that will be useful for us. He is contacting the same number again and again. It is not saved though so we don't know who is it."

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now