It's not your fault 🌷

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P'Freens POV

The night was, I don't have a proper word, so just say, eventful.

She was tired, so we had to stop at I think 2 or 3am. And now it's 11 pm. I am awake but she isn't. I know I tired her up a little, so, I have got a wonderful plan. I will make what they call it in foreign countries. Umm....yeah...brunch. I will make a delicious brunch for her today so that she will forget that I......did not let her sleep much last night and also left some visible marks.

So, anyway, I left our bed successfully, without waking her up. Kissed her forehead and lips as a good morning. It's kind of necessary for me, like an energy booster. Soon I was done with my morning routine and I quietly checked on her once again, after I was sure she was sleeping peacefully, I made my way toward the room next to us. Yeah, I didn't forget about him. And as soon as I opened the door he stood up attentively.

BonBon, well he is a well-behaved kid. Always calm and collected. I knew someday I would have him here, so I already had stuff for him inside so he wouldn't have to leave the house for the emergency and I guess he used it too.

I checked for his bowls for food and water they were half empty. He was wiggling his way towards me, so I squatted down and hugged him a good morning. And as he likes, I brush down his forehead and he barked loudly. Well no so smart I guess.

I made a shush sound so he would stop and scooped him in my arms as I spoke, "Shh... no loud noises baby. Mami is tired. We should not wake her up okay?"

As if he understood he listened to me carefully and stopped barking, just stared at me with his big eyes and tongue out a little. I kissed his forehead as I whispered low, "Dadays' clever little one. Now let's get started, we're going to cook for mami. Are you feeling excited?"

In response to that, he just tilted his head sideways.

So I just sighed and started to leave the room, "Okay, guess I will be the only one to cook then. Let's go."

And I made my way downstairs. Mom isn't home today, so, let's just say it's just me, my wife, and our son. It was not a complete meal, just some eggs, bacon, and juice.

I cannot cook. There. I said it. But I didn't burn down the kitchen like last time. So it was a win. So after I decorated the plates I looked at them for the last time.

Yup, a piece of art.

She should like it.

I gave myself a pat on the back. "Great job, Freen! Now it's time to feed your wife.."

Wahhhh.....wife.....feels so good to say it out loud.

And with that silly smile on my face, I took the breakfast table and marched towards our bedroom. As expected, she was still sleeping peacefully. I don't think I left for long but she again had changed her position. I don't even understand how she manages; to change sides and places every time I look at her, that too even in her sleep. Not to forget, she turns and turns like she is fighting a war. Also managed to hit me sometimes. Good thing her hits are not that strong. But she looks comfortable so that's a relief.

I shook my head to that memory and made my way towards her. I placed the food on the ground on my side just a little further and took a sit on the bed. I slowly removed the hairs falling on her face. And her angelic face came into view.

God, how did I get this much luck?

I took a deep breath and kissed her baby cheeks that I adore so much, and whispered slowly at her, "Good morning darling."

That seemed to wake her up a little but she just groaned and stirred a little, turning away from me. Her naked and flawless, milky white back brought a silly smile to my face, and forgetting about everything else, I lay down beside her and as if my body was craving for it, I wrapped my arm around her and buried my face into the back of her neck. Her body was so warm and cozy; plus the aroma radiating her body, it felt like home. The feeling of fulfillment, made me close my eyes.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora