Meeting your enemies before meeting her parents 🌷

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Becky POV

I reached home late than usual. I checked myself in the phone my eyes were swollen from the crying. So I wore my reading glasses I had with me to hide it. I don't want my parents to worry unnecessarily about me. When I reached at the front door Irin was there holding tired BonBon in her arms. She smiled the moment she saw me.

"Welcome home princess Beck. Babyyyy say hi to your mommy." She cradle BonBon in her arms a little. That sight made my heart so warm. No matter how much exhausting day you have had; seeing the people you love makes you forget about it entirely.

I gave both of them a big hug and kissed my baby on his forehead. He isn't usually clam with anyone. Only when he is sleepy you can expect him to stay still but for except that he won't let anyone hold him other than me. I stepped into the house and to my surprise my brother came out of the kitchen. He immediately come towards me and left me up in his arms twirling around. I was laughing and begged him to put me down, it was making me dizzy after some time.

"How is my baby sister doing?" He asked ruffling my hair a little.

"I am fine Richie. How are you? And how come you are here? You said you cannot come this month."

"I am doing great baby sister. I did say that I couldn't but how was I going to ignore my little Becks sad ok after that? I needed to be here when we all will celebrate your first ever job." He held me tightly after that. I missed his warm hugs. We don't get to see him so often because he works overseas so seeing him now meant too much to me.

"Ok kids cut it out. Let your sister freshen up and rest Richie boy. She might be tired. How was your day honey?" mom was giving dad his medicines while scolding him about his forgetfulness. Their little quarrels are like energy booster for them. None of them can properly function without it.

"It was good mom. I am attending a meeting tomorrow outside the office so l will have to leave early."

"Oh ok. But don't forget we are going out for a family dinner. You will be free by then right?" I almost forgot. We were going to celebrate at my dad's favourite restaurant tomorrow. I am glad Richie will be joining too. It's been long since we whole family went out together.

"Yes mom I will be free in the afternoon itself. I am going to freshen up now." I excused myself; said my good nights and went in my room. I saw Irin trailing behind me with now sleeping BonBon in her arms. After I came out of bathroom done with my night routine BonBon was sleeping in his bed and Irin was sitting on the sofa in my room with ice-cream in her hand. I wore my glasses again taking sit beside her and took strawberry flavour for myself.

Someone is about to get hyper after eating this much sugar. Now how am I going to handle her?

"So now are you going to tell me what made you cry princess Beck?" what in the hell?

"What are you talking about Irin?" She didn't possibly notice did she?

"Fine if we are going to do it this way. Do you think I didn't notice you wearing your reading glasses even when you clearly don't need them? Or do you think that your best friend come sister doesn't knows you always crave for strawberry flavour whenever you are sad?" So she brought that on purpose to test her theory.

"Again to tell you more your eyes are still puffy. Those reading glasses can't hide them." I removed them cause obviously they are not any use now.

I knew there was no point in hiding so I told her everything that happened after the dinner. She thought about it seriously first, then was just looking at me smiling. I am not liking the way she is doing that. Her brain has so many wild thoughts in it whenever she does this.

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