You are mine Beck 🌷

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"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."

-Rebeca Patricia Armstrong 🧑🎓

Becky POV

The dinner went so much well than expected. I knew they all were going like P'Freen for her humble and kind nature. Her honesty and being down to earth has won hearts of my family. I can see it.

For Richie and P'Freen, they had so much to talk about, because of their same line of interest in technology. Her companies has some branches which are involve in IT work. So they shared their knowledge about all the new technologies that are trending in business world. And how it would help Richie to grow faster in his carrier and P'Freen with spreading her business in more countries. But the thing is; Richie's Thai and P'Freens English is like nursery children. So they both could understand each other but had trouble in speaking. It was funny to see her interaction. I tried to help them few times but later they were on their own. Trying to speak the language each other could understand. P'Freens English is so cute, and her attempts to tech him Thai words were beyond belief.

Now I can rest assure about the fact that mom will let me go to places with her without worrying about me. It's so frustrating when I don't want to bother dad or Non to drive me around leaving their work.

But for P'Freen its different. Like before telling her I am cold she gets the sweater ready or removes hers if she is wearing. She always opens up a bottle cap and put a straw in it before handing over it to me. Before eating something herself she feeds it to me, asking me to give it a try. She has also begun to keep extra stuff with her. So sometimes if I wear a skirt she would place blanket on my lap after sitting on a chair. Or hands me cardigan if I am waring exposed cloths whenever we have to attend meeting with our clients. All of these things and whatever I haven't said here, I never have asked her to do any of it.

She does them on her own. And one great thing about this is; her the way of doing it naturally. Like she has been doing it for so long. Because she never misses any moment to do these. We both don't feel anything awkward about it. She doesn't care what people think of her doing this. Her being boss and I am her employee; of course people are going to question it and have their own judgments. I was concerned first about it. Cause as much as I don't want her to stop, I cannot let people having something to talk behind her back. But the only thing she told me was not to let them mess with my mind or care about it. She says she just always wanna see me smiling. I don't know whether I will meet someone else like her in my life who will take care of me like she does.

I don't want too either. I want P'Freen only.

Just like other things it didn't missed out of Irins investigation. But this time she came over after we arrive at home and instead of asking me she just took popcorn from kitchen and sat with dad on the sofa. They both had a very long talk. Only Irin is in this world who can joke with my mom or make my dad laugh this much. Mom tried scolding and giving her stern look first but Irin being herself didn't mind it at all. After mom just came to know it was of no use and her strictness is not going to work on her.

I think she is the daughter both of them never knew that they were going to have.

The way Irin was smiling and dad was telling her about the dinner I knew in near future I am going to have so much trouble keeping her quiet. She is going to kill me with her teasing. She already likes P'Freen now my family does too.

I already saw how dad was telling mom and Richie about the way he sees his younger self in P'Freen. All the way from restaurant to home he wouldn't stop talking about her. God I don't want Irin to go overboard about this. She knows her P'Noey and P'Freen are already friends from their online posts, so keeping her still is going to be a tough job.

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