A migraine and sadness 🌷

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Beckys POV

It's been a few weeks since I started my new position. It's nothing but it makes me happier to work this closely with so many talented people. The board is highly demanding sometimes for deadlines but nothing that I can't handle. Mr. Heng is always there to support P'Freen too. It's a foreign feeling to call your boss like that. I even called her that once in the office. I couldn't help it; she is so friendly and warm-hearted person. I don't believe that I got so comfortable around her this fast.

I am still a reserved person around staff but when it comes to her it's different. I am clumsy, bubbly, and happy all the time. In addition to it, she is effortlessly funny. The ability to joke around in anything is her specialty. I have seen Mr. Heng scolding her a few times to keep it serious during office hours. Her funny nature is why the staff likes her so much I guess.

Today was more than stressful because two days ago Heather International firm used our same marketing techniques and we filed a lawsuit against them. There is no way it's going to be low key since both companies have been rivals for a long time. And to keep it away from media or big scandals we have to settle down this issue as soon as possible. But not without keeping our ethics in mind and acting according to it. We need a proper payback for what they have done. Mr. Heng is furious and Miss Freen; well she is smiling like always. We couldn't see if she was in stress. P'Freen knows how to keep her fears to herself. I am way too focused on this because it's my first big case and our name will be affected by this.

I was working overtime today because I had to find a way to tackle their alibi. I was going to get some coffee for myself when I heard a noise from P'Freens office. I knocked but didn't hear any response. So I went inside. And it was not a good sight. P'Freen was holding her head in one and the other was holding her coffee table for dear life. I ran and held her keeping from falling.

"Miss Freen. Are you alright? Please come here. Sit." I made her sit on the sofa and she rested her head back.

"I am having a headache, Beck. Do something." I don't know what to do in this situation. My phone rang at the exact moment. I looked it was Non. He was not important now; plus the noise was making her clutch her head more so I declined it and made it silent.

"What should I do Miss Freen? Is there medicine in your bag? Or should I call for an ambulance?"

"No. No ambulance. Call Heng. He knows about the pills." I called Mr. Heng he picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, Mr. Heng. I am at Miss Freeman's office. She is having a very bad headache. What should I do? Where I can find the pills for her?"

"Oh no. Is it bad?"

"Yes, I think."

"God. Okay, listen to me carefully. There is medicine in her table drawer. Give her one red pill. And made her lay down for some time. The pills will make her sleepy."

I did as he said and as the pills started to affect she was getting a little sleepy. He couldn't come because he was busy somewhere. I have to handle her myself. The sitting position looked uncomfortable so I made her lay her head on my lap. And I suddenly remembered what my mom used to do wherever I had a headache. She used to stroke my head gently. So did the same. That seemed to work so I let her sleep for some time. 

We cannot be in the office the whole night Beck.

Not sure if it's going to work I shake her gently.

"Miss Freen wake up. We need to take you home." She stirred a little so I called her again.

"P'Freen." That seemed to make her more awake. So she sat up groaning holding her head.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora