Your P'Freen will be your umbrella becbec 🌷

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Freen POV

I didn't want to leave Becky. I was having a feeling that I should be by her side today but because that promise I made to my friends, I couldn't. So here I am sitting in the restaurant deep in my thoughts while my other friends talking and laughing.

"Why aren't you eating Freen. Are you not feeling well?" After Baitoey asked this everyone was looking at me.

"I am fine guys." It was a reality check for me. I smiled at them but they were looking at me suspiciously.

"What is it Mu Deang? Anything or anyone I should be knowing of?" Baitoey hit Nam on her arm after this making her spilled her juice on the table.

"Why are you always like that? I can't believe you own a business and call yourself queen of cosmetics. She just came out of the big problem with her company. Let her breath." They were going back and forth with each other after Baitoeys comment.

Both Noey and I know when they are arguing they don't listen to anyone else. So we better leave it to them. Meanwhile I was checking if Becky has messaged me. To ask me to drop her off or anything. But she was offline from past half an hour. I don't know but I am having this feeling like I need to see her now. I am getting anxious.

"Are you two ever going to listen to us?" Nam had angry look on her face while Baitoey looked satisfied. Means again she defeated Nam with her valid points.

"We were just giving you two your time. Nobody wants to come between two people who love each other this much. It's practically a sin to interrupt a love quarrel." Noey was saying this with a serious face. And I had to stop myself from cracking.

"Oh please. I don't love this egoistic and brilliant b**ch." I laugh this time because I couldn't stop myself. Nam just insulted and complimented Bai at the same time. This crack heads are something else.

I didn't realize we have been sitting here this long. It's been hours. And then I heard sound of thunderstorm. It is raining already? And this hard? I hope Becky reached home safe. I couldn't hold back my anxiety anymore so I was calling her to check but her phone was switched off. Maybe it's out of battery. I don't know what took over me that I felt need to go to the office and check myself. So I stood up.

"You are not going back in this weather, are you Freen?" Nam looked cornered.

"I have to go guys. It's not this bad. I have driven in worst weather than this remember? And its late already.'' Now she was looking suspiciously at me with a smirk on her face.

"Really? Are you sure there is no one waiting for you Freen? Don't you hide it form us? You know that, I will know eventually." She was just grinning.

How? With her non-existent superpowers?

"Nam. If she wants to go, let her. Your interrogation is not important. It seems important." Thank you Baitoey. You are the best!

"Yaa you go Freen. Bye." I am so lucky to have them.

I said my goodbyes and left. I hope my gut feelings are not true.

When I reached office the sight was heart-breaking. Becky had tears in her eyes, brushing off the droplets from her cloths which were wet at this point. She told me once she doesn't like rain. She had so many things in her hands it didn't help either. The rain was so sudden today; no wonder she didn't bring her umbrella. Seeing her like this immediately brought tears to my eyes. It felt like I failed to protect her. I was so angry at myself for leaving her today. Oh Becky your P'Freen is here.

I didn't waste a min. I didn't have umbrella too but I don't care. I walked out of the car and went towards her. When I reached to her my clothes were soaked too. Before reaching out to her I dried my teary face and put on a smile.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now