Someone who is not me🌷

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21? 21k? Seriously guys? I don't know how to believe it.

You all are so amazing.

Love you till infinity ❤️ And beyond 💖

And some of you guys might not know, but above picture is from KAZZ awards when P'Freen and Becky won all the 7 awards, making their place in male dominated area, where BLs only were wining from past decades.

Its was a memorable night.

First, for the first time we had that iconic line form Becky, WE DID IT BABY.

And another thing. They had 2 costumes. For each Becky first wore earrings with S letter then with C.

Not giving a f**k about all the toxicity, I am just glad, they are being more and more open each day.

Love is love.

Also a very Happy pride month.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

May all the gayness in you woke in this month, and you will be able to be out and proud. 💅

Well let's enjoy our story time.


Becky POV

Thankfully, we left for the office on time. Reaching there, I had to go for meeting right away. When I finally got free, it was already time for lunch. I went to P'Freen office so we could eat together. But as soon as I enter her office, I saw her sitting on sofa, files in her hands. She had her back leaned on sofa, eyes closed. And I immediately regret my decision of sleeping with her last night. Clearly that couch was not comfortable for 2 people to sleep. And as she always does, she might have taken all the majors to make me comfortable and let me sleep peacefully through night, even if it meant that she might not had any sleep at all. I just don't know how she is always ready to sacrifice anything for me. Even her sleep. The only thing, that is very dear to her.

I just shook my head and sat beside her. Taking all the files from her hand, I folded them and placing it back on her table. And looking at her now, this position is also not very comfortable. She will get neck pain or possibly full body pain. I didn't want to but letting her sleep like this was worst than disturbing her sleep, so I shook her lightly. And she woke up immediately. Clutching on her neck.

She let out a light groan, "Oh god" Yes it was bad.

I instantly put pillow behind her, "Babe don't lean forward, try to sit straight." I helped her to sit straight and rubbed back of her neck. I think it's worse than it looks. Her body is so stiff. She stretch out for few min then looked at me. And it was no..

Her eyes had bags, and eyes were completely red and tired. Totally indicating that she has not got any sleep last night. Out of guilt, I just wanted to scold myself. You did this Rebeca.

I took her face in my hands rubbing my thumbs over her cheeks, "Babe you look like you are about to pass out. Was it because... I am so sorry, I made you uncomfortable." She just smiled and shook her head. Wrapping her hand around me, she made us both lean back in couch. I just leaned into her more. I am feeling so guilty. She might get sick because of me. But she let out yawn and kissed my forehead pulling me more into her.

"No baby, don't say sorry. It's not your fault at all. Plus how could I complain about my girlfriend sleeping with me? Well frankly this pain is temporary, but I had you close, and I could look at you all night. I can never forget that." She let out a chuckle. And when I look at her she had her eyes closed, a smile on her face. It just made me blush that she was looking at me the whole night. I mean I know it is wasn't a perverted thing. Making her uncomfortable and causing any kind of discomfort was never my intention.

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