Sidewalk and tears 🌷

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Freens POV

There are only three types of food which I like in this world. Japanese, spicy, and anything that my mom cooks. Nothing is like there compared to those delightful choices. That would explain my choice for today.

When I left my office for tonight's dinner party I was a little late than others. The restaurant has a whole Japanese theme. Which has facilities to sit down and eat too. But it might not be a favoured choice of few female staff so Heng always books a round table where everybody can sit around comfortably. When I reached there everyone was already sitting down enjoying the starters and left a head chair for me. I was glad when I saw Heng was in the right and Becky was in the left seat. I made my presence so everyone stood up.

"Sit down people. Relax. We are here to enjoy. You can continue your meal." I don't like to interrupt people while eating or make them wait for me to arrive. It's unnecessary. Becky gave me a smile and Heng as always cleared his throat possibly saying that I am being more friendly than I should. I know I need to act according to my position but sometimes it is necessary to loosen up. I have tried to explain these things to him but he wants everyone to keep in mind that I am their boss so I don't know if he is going to take it in soon.

Giving an assuring smile to him, I sat down. Everyone also did after me. Food was served and everyone was enjoying it so far. I saw Becky was a little unsure about the dishes. I have noticed she doesn't eat spicy food. Like at all. That's why I gave instructions to add less spicy dishes to the menu of my company's cafeteria too. I couldn't let her work with an empty stomach. Eating healthy is necessary for her age and this demanding job too. To make it easy for her I put some dishes on her plate which I knew were not spicy. And she could eat. She was looking at them with little unclarity.

"Eat up Miss Beck. They are not spicy at all." She relaxed a little.

"Thank you miss Freen."

She smiled at me after that, observed the dishes for some time then started to eat slowly. In the middle of the dinner, I had to take a call. I thought I would enjoy food with Becky!! And also wanted her to explore my favorite Japanese food. I mentally groaned but the call was important. I whispered to Heng not to leave Becky alone. She is the youngest of all of us so someone always needs to take care of her. He is also naturally protective when it comes to her. He gave me a nod. And told he would take care of everything. After making sure of that I excused myself.

Beckys POV

P'Freen left in the middle of a dinner. I saw her whispering something to Mr. Heng. I was disappointed a little about her leaving but he was asking me after now and then about food so it didn't bother me much. After finishing my food I was just relaxing when my co-worker asked.

"So Becky how is this new position treating you? I am sure you are killing it. And the issue is it that bad?" I am not sure if I should tell her about this.

"I am very happy to be able to work with people like you P'Ice. I think I am doing fine myself. About this issue; as you have seen Miss Freen is confident that we are going to win in the end so there is nothing for anyone to be worried about." Everyone was listening to us at this point.

"Yes, she seems so confidant. I mean I know we are the victim and everything, but Heather Internationals is a very large and reputed company. Their shares and relations are stronger than us, do you think the result will be in our favor?" I took a glance at Mr. Heng. I needed to know what he had to say about this. But he didn't. He just gave me a smile which I assume was telling me to go on. Everson's eyes were on me this time, and I thought I had to speak for both me and P'Freen. The sureness he showed in me that I can do it; made me content. So I decided to answer.

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