A love worthy 🌷

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"I think I have found that person." The smile on her face dropped a little. She turned towards the view and started paying with her finger. A habit of hers while she is nervous. Well; we both are at this point.

"That...That........is um truly....... Ummm.......incredible. Umm have-have you told them yet?"

I told her in a calm tone, "I am doing it.................... right now."

Her eyes went wide as dear caught in headlight. She turned towards me. I could see, she knew my feelings by the look on my face.

I took it as a que that I should keep going, so I spoke further "Bec; I wanna be honest with you. I have feeling for you. I know this is sudden, but, I, what i feel for you its completely sincere. My feelings, they will never ever change. I promise you that. And I know; I have said before, that we don't need any kind of relationship to take care of each other. And I still don't need that. But with these feelings, I think it would be only fair if we get into one. I wanna treat you with respect............... So if you feel the same....." It's now or never Freen.

I locked our gaze; took a big gulp.

"Bec, will you be my girlfriend?"

I am waiting for her to say something. We are still looking at each other. Her mouth is moving but nothing is coming out of it.

She hasn't said a word. Not even a single sound. With every passing moment its making me worried; I was about to say something but stopped myself. I should hear her first.

After some min she finally spoke, "P'Freen I-I. I mean this is so sudden. I-I-I don't know what to say." Anxious would better describe my feelings. I wanted to know her deepest thoughts and feelings.

Her answer is really in between. I cannot figure out whether its good or bad.

I was going to say further but her phone rang. I took it out and it was her dad. Handing it to her I stood up from my seat. I went away a little bit giving her privacy; but more I know I wanted time for myself. Cause if this turns out bad then I don't know what I would do.

After she hung up she stood up from her seat too. I could hear my heart beating into my ears. I gulped nervously.

We were now standing in front of each other. She wasn't meeting my stare. No, I am not prepared. It is my birthday for goodness sake. I dreamt of her being my wife this morning itself. No~~

"Umm P'Freen. About what you said. I think I need some time for processing that. I need some time to think." Is she saying that because she cannot say no directly, for our old times sake? Or............God this is so complicating. Worse than anything.

It is painful that she has indirectly said no and relief too that she hasn't said no.

"Umm dad is here to pick me up. Can I......?" I gulped tried to swallow the lump in my throat. I don't think I have courage to say anything. Because if I; I will surely break down in front of her. I don't want her to think that she is the reason of my tears. So just smile and nodded. She couldn't see it cause her eye were on the ground, she turned and started to walk away.

I can't see her leave me. I can't. I just can't............ it started to rain and I sat down there looking at the river.

Earlier I lost her physically. It was partial. Now I am experiencing something else. Something more heart-breaking and agonizing.

This time I might have lost her completely.

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Becky POV

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now