A "scorching kiss" ? 🌷

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So who is excited for a kiss?


Fam, just a little update.

🍁Marry me🍁MV will be out today at 5 PM Thailand time.

Don't forget to watch it.

Let's support our girls.



2 weeks has passed like a flash. Everything is good, I am happy, that everyone is with me, but something is still missing. After our first night, in the morning we were back to normal. But something that is still unspoken about.

That night, it looked as if P'Freen had to say something but she didn't. I don't know why, but I think she is still not able to say everything she wants to. I have told her so many times she doesn't have to put a filter before speaking, she can say anything. Is it my fault that I cannot make her feel that way?

I was into my thoughts. Sitting here besides the swimming pool. Sipping my morning coffee. Its our last night here. We have time today. And the ball is at the evening. P'Freen and P'Noey went somewhere. And to be honest I also needed some time for myself to think.

I got startled when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. If it was P'Freens I would have known immediately. I look besides and my friends was standing there.

"What are doing here by yourself, Beckgie?" P'Nam and P'Bai took sit on both of my sides. I sighed at put down my coffee.

"Nothing Phi. Just thinking."

"Okey. Well we want to know something, if you don't mind us telling." I looked at both of them and nodded. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, it's not about work.

"Sooooo, Beckgie, it's been like more than 15 days you guys have been dating. Right? So how far you have come?" I was confused what exactly she is talking about. Is she talking about what is our relationship status?

"Umm, P'Nam I don't know what..........?" As soon as I said that, P'Bai shook her head and leaned back.

"I told you she is innocent. You have to say it directly." I was looking between P'Nam and P'Bai, now more confused than before. And they were exchanging look.

P'Nam cleared her throat before speaking, "Beck, I am asking, like, you guys are together all the time, you even share cloths, you guys share the same room. So has something happened between you two? You know couple stuff?"

Ohh.........so this is what she meant. I membered our times when we almost kissed, but my blushing face quickly turned down, as I know nothing will happen if she doesn't even like it when I wear short or revealing cloths.

"Beck, is everything alright?" I knew I can tell them about this. I mean they are P'Freens best friends. Both of them know her more than me. Maybe they will help me understand what I did wrong.

So I told them about our first night. As expected it got them thinking. I am also not sure what has happened, I mean we need to discuss cause I feel like we should, but I don't know how to.

"Beck, from what you told, it seems its not that she doesn't like it that day, but its completely opposite." I looked at P'Nam after what just she said. Is it really?

"Look Beck, I am not saying what I think it might be completely true, but from how much I know my best friend, she was, you know, might be holding herself back."

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