Good morning sweetheart🌷

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I am so sorry fam. I didn't posted for few days.

I had fallen sick first then attend a wedding and fell sick again.

I am better now, so story time again.

Please keep yourself dehydrated, and take care of yourself.


Freen POV

She is my girlfriend. She is my girlfriend. She is my girlfriend. She is my G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D, GIRLFRIEND.

Why even now it seems like a dream? Like it's not real. She agreed to be my girlfriend. How? My mind is still not ready to believe it. Like how did I got this lucky? God I can't thank you enough for this. I mean I would get to see her smile every day, and I will be the reason for it. I will get to talk her endlessly. She would finally have someone closer, and the best part of it; that would be me. I would get a chance to love her and take care of her. Every unspoken or unsaid promise, I will now get a chance to fulfil it. I will have her close.

I plan to live each day with the following intentions in mind.

I intend to...

Put down my phone and focus on her fully when she is in front of me.

Instead of plotting what I'm going to say next, or collecting mental buckets of sage advice I can't wait to dole out, I wanna listen to her angelic voice. Completely. By being there.

Even when it feels awkward and uncomfortable, I wanna share what's true for me. I won't exclude the messy parts, no matter how tempting it may be to try to appear perfect. I don't wanna be perfect. I have seen us. I know we both are a mess. But I wanna tell her that, "Let's be beautiful messes together."

I will see her quirks and edges and shortcomings and peccadillos and will them all as crucial parts of the complete package that is her.

Instead of assuming the worst, I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt, as I would want to receive it. I'll assume she didn't mean to be rude or to hurt my feelings. That it came out wrong, or she was triggered and reacting from a place of hurt, or she was simply having a bad day. And then I'll stop assuming and ask to verify, "Is everything okay?"

I will take every perceived slight or offense and put it through my mental shredder before I go to sleep each night. And if I can't let it go, perhaps because it's too big to simply discard, I'll tell her how I feel and what I need so we can work through it together.

I will let her know that I admire how she always stick up for the things she loves and love how she make everyone laugh. I will compliment her on her passions, her parenting, and how she exude peace, because she is awesome and she should know it.

I will give my love, support, understanding, and well wishes; I'll give things new and old that I think will be helpful. If there's something she need that I no longer do, I'll send it with a note that reads, "I thought you could put this to good use. And if not, sorry for sending you clutter!"

I will put aside everything I think I know about her based on who she appear to be, and will be open-minded when she will tell me or show me what she believe and what she stand for.

Even if she is stubborn or moody or judgmental, I will love her anyway. And when I'm stubborn, moody, and judgmental I'll try to do the same for myself. I'll try to rise above petty thoughts and sweeping generalizations and keep sight of who she and I really are: good people who are doing our best to navigate a sometimes-painful world.

Because we all stress and strain and struggle sometimes. We all get fed up, ticked off, and let down, and at times we all lash out.

In these moments when we feel lost and down on ourselves, it helps to see ourselves through the eyes of someone who believes in us. And it helps to remember we're not alone, and that someone else really cares.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ