Sky, why are you so sad? 🌷

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Becky POV

It's been two days since Non and my argument. He hasn't called me since. I don't know what to expect. Cause if he does, I don't know what to say in our situation either. It's like he changed for worse.

I haven't told anyone except Irin. But it was only because I took the promise from her not to tell anyone. I want to handle this by myself. I think he was just stressed so he blurted out those words. For whatever he said. I am just giving space to both of us to think.

Treating any woman like that is the worst thing any man can do. But surprisingly I am not mad at him. Just disappointed and sad. I want nothing but him to go back his old self. It's hard to deal with him these days.

Our issue with Heather International is settling down after the meeting. Its already out to media but only in words that it-was-misunderstanding-and- content-was-originally-ours. We have won against the company which has been older than us in this industry so it was a very big deal. As P'Freen had her vision it happen exactly like it. It was a free marketing. Our clients has raised and we have gained new contracts. I just hope for our company to grow each and every day.

Just after it went to news, P'Freen had to do a lot of interviews and I have to handle the paper work. We both are busy so I couldn't call her. We are talking on the message but that's it. She is handling all the stuff very gracefully. It's not a surprise cause her planning and vision about business is something I will never have doubts about. Her mind is ridiculously brilliant. I believe company will grow with grace under her guidance.

She is not present physically but her thoughtful self has left her favourite blanket for me. I can feel she is around causing her banket. It just smells like her. Its giving me little assurance that even if anyone won't be on my side she will. I just want her to take care of her like she does mine.

I was busy in paper work when Mr. Heng knocked and came inside with more papers in his hands. He has a smile in his face so I hope noting bad he has to tell me.

"Busy, are we?" he placed paper on the desk and sat down in the chair. He reminds me so much of Richie. They both are so respectful toward women. I am glad someone like him is friends with P'Freen.

"What can I say Mr. Heng? We just take down the biggest company no one ever imagine going against of." I gave him a smile. He is so stiff during work hours but I have seen him loosening up when we are alone. He is just as funny as P'Freen is. But I am not letting her know that.

"You are right Miss Beck. That was like a piece of cake. I had so much fun. I think staff is very happy that you have joined the position. It's clear our new legal advisor knows how to do her work. I am proud." He had this smile on his face which said all the unspoken words he didn't speak. He is genuinely happy for me. It's not easy these days to find someone who is happy for your progress rather than be jealous, except your family. I smiled at that thought.

"It was indeed fun Mr. Heng. And I am delighted to please the staff. But as much as I loved it; the paper work is piling up and it's not really of my liking. I just want to finish it as soon as I can. I can't see more files on my table anymore." He laugh out loud and leaned back in his chair.

"That's so on the spot Miss. Beck. Even I am starting to get paper sick. I hope god give us energy to survive." He joined his hands and dramatically shake his head.

"We will survive Mr. Heng. And how is Miss. Freen? We haven't had time in last two days to talk. I hope she is fine." He gave me smile after mentioning her name.

"She is fine.. just doing interviews and such. That little rival has put axe on their own feet. I am sure they realised that they have created a mess they cannot deal with. I can't believe the people we met in the meeting were their professionals. No wonder they had idea that this was a good idea in a first place."

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