
5K 48 164

 Warnings: Language, Harassment, Slight Mentions of Sex  

Y/N = Your Name, Y/N/N = Your Nickname, Y/L/N = Your Last NameB/N = Brother's Name (just make one up if you need to) 

Word Count: 1,161 (extremely long exposition chapter)

The car skids to a stop and I could hear my brother mumble, "damn". He couldn't be more accurate. My eyes slowly moved upwards and I glanced at the house. This has got to be the largest house that I have ever seen. But I couldn't stop my mind from drifting back to our home.

My entire life seems to have gone downhill ever since Mom passed away. Dad turned into somewhat of a raging alcoholic, married a girl that is almost young enough to be my sister, and rounded us up and moved us all the way down to the "lovely" state, Oklahoma. "Get a fresh start," he said. I say, complete bullshit. The only reason he dragged us down here is because he's sucking up to his little gold-digging wife and the minute she puppy-eyed the move back to her hometown, he obeyed. She's got him wrapped around her perfectly manicured fingers.

It's not like they were here to help us settle in anyways. B/N and I had been living alone back in California for the past two weeks while our dad and Margaret 'settled into the house'. By this, I mean probably banging or something. So, of course, we had to take the drive up by ourselves. And settle in by ourselves. According to the note on the door, they've gone to a casino.

I pull myself out of the car, trek up to the door, and rip the note down. Then, I crumple it up and throw it into a bush. Under the doormat is a key and I open the door to reveal a beautifully decorated foyer. But even that couldn't bring up the mood. I just run up the stairs, find the first room I can claim, and lock myself up. The curtains billow and the nighttime wind flows into the room. I slam the window shut and flop onto the bed.

I hear a knock on the door and I slowly open my eyes to the morning. I stuff my pillow over my head and yell, "Don't come in."

The door slowly opens and B/N steps into my room and pulls the pillow off of my head.

"Hey,  Y/N/N, time for school," he says, quietly.

"I'm sick," I say, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Come on, we can go to the drive-in after," he suggests, gently pulling the blanket down.

I groan and sit up. B/N hands me a blueberry muffin and says, "Get changed, I'm driving you to school today." With that, he promptly exits and I'm left sitting in my bed with a muffin in my hand - which I quickly shove down my throat.

The outfit I pick isn't anything special. A black, pleated skirt, a white sweater and some converse with my long, (Your Hair Color) hair tied back into a half ponytail. B/N is outside waiting for me in his red mustang that he got for his sixteenth birthday. My sixteenth birthday is just around the corner, but I don't think I'll get anything that good. Especially since Dad spends all his money on Margaret.

I slip into the car and B/N turns on the radio and 'I Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis comes on and B/N and I smile at each other. This was our Mom's favorite song.

The school is close, and we pull up to the side where a gang of boys comes up to us.

"Tuff ride," one of them says, stepping up to the side of the car and extending a hand. "Name's Robert Sheldon. But everybody calls me Bob."

"B/N," my brother replies, hopping out of the car and shaking his hand. "This is my sister, Y/N. We just moved here."

"Yeah, I know. You've got that mansion on the hill," says, turning to me. "Nice to meet you, Miss Y/N."

He gives me this look - a kind of a smirk - and it just makes me uncomfortable.

"We're heading to the drive-in after school. You guys wanna tag along?" B/N turns to me and his eyes plead.

"You guys go along, I'll just orient myself with the town."

"Oh, okay," he says, disappointed. "Here is twenty bucks, go have some fun, alright, Y/N/N?"

"Alright," I say, taking the bill from his hands and making my way into school and not looking back. I can't believe he would just ditch me like that! For a bunch of seventeen year old delinquents! Did he not see how uncomfortable I was? As I walk through the hallways, I can see people turning to look at me and whispering. What are they saying? Not paying attention, I bump right into a kid and drop all of my books as everyone laughs. It's going to be a long day.

The school day is boring. The teacher's voice is so monotonous it almost put me to sleep. And they are teaching students like kindergarteners. What kind of high school students are still learning basic algebra and what the definition of 'cessation' is? During lunch, I was approached by a bunch of sharply dressed girls. No doubt they had heard about my brother and they wanted me to set them up. In my opinion, my brother is pretty mediocre. I look a lot like him. Naturally, I mumbled something unintelligible and went along my merry way. I don't want to be here. I'm just here to keep my head down and pray to God that I can escape this hell hole in college.

Finally the day is done and I swiftly exit the classroom to my locker. Where Bob and his friends are waiting.

"Hello, Miss Y/N."

I grumble a 'hi' under my breath before gently nudging them aside to get to my locker.

"Are you sure you didn't want to come to the drive-in? Usually, a lot of fun shit goes down there."

I turn around and he almost pins me under his arm. This disgraceful boy.

"I'm not going, get out of my face."

"That ain't gonna be a problem if where you're going next is taking a trip down to my pants,"

I gasp and try to shove him out of my way, but he pushes me against the lockers.

"Get off of me!"

"You know you want it."

His lips crash into mine and his hand slips under my shirt. Without thinking, I knee him in the groin, step on his foot, and elbow him in the face. He falls backwards into one of his goons and I make a break for it. Those martial arts lessons paid off I guess.

"You bitch!" I hear from behind, but I don't stop running. I run out of the school, and down a road. I don't know how long I've been running for. My legs are burning, and I stop in some sort of abandoned lot. Unable to move anymore, I fall to the ground. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now