Texas Winston

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Warnings: Language?

Word Count: 872

By the fifth day, I seriously wanted to rip my hair out. I spent my time jotting down thoughts in the notebook. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, so I wrote down some things I wanted to say just in case.  I had never been so bored in my life and I couldn't even look at the pack of baloney without feeling sick to my stomach. I still had two candy bars left, which I ended up giving to Johnny and Pony since they ate all of theirs. I was beginning to regret that decision. So I smoked a lot with Pony to keep myself busy. Johnny kept insisting that I shouldn't smoke, but I didn't listen to him. We were very careful with our cigarettes to make sure that the church didn't catch fire. That day alone, I smoked an entire pack of cigarettes and vomited. That day, I swore that I'd stop smoking. I didn't know how long that would last.

"Glory, he looks different with his hair like that," I heard. I would recognize that voice anywhere. I sat up and stared. Dallas Winston.

"Dally!" I shouted, pouncing on him. I had never been so happy to see that ** in my life. Pony soon followed after as Johnny watched.

"Hey Y/N, and Ponyboy, or should I say Sleeping Beauty?" Dally said, smirking.

"How's Sodapop? Are the fuzz after us? Is Darry all right? Do the boys know where we are? What-" Ponyboy spammed Dally with questions.

"Hold on, kid, I can't answer everything at once. You two want to get something to eat first? I skipped breakfast and I'm about starved."

"You're starved?" Johnny and I said in unison.

"Is it safe to go out?" Pony asked.

"Yep, got a cancer stick, Johnnycake?" Dally asked. I just grabbed an entire package and threw it at his face. "The fuzz won't be lookin' for you around here. They think you've lit out for Texas. I've got Buck's T-Bird parked down the road a little. Goshalmighty, guys, ain't you been eating anything?"

"Yeah, whatever gave you the idea we ain't?" Johnny asked.

"You're all pale and you've lost weight. You look like you've been through the mill," Dally said. I looked at them. Johnny was a lot skinnier, and he had been a twig before. Pony seemed to have lost a lot of his muscular build from running track. I didn't even want to know what I looked like. "Hey Ponyboy and Y/N, I got a letter for y'all."

"A letter? From who?" Ponyboy asked.

"The President, of course, stupid. It's from Soda.

"Sodapop? But how did he know-" I asked.

"He came over to Buck's a couple days ago for something and found Pony's sweatshirt. I told him I didn't know where y'all where, but he didn't believe me. He gave me this letter and half his paycheck to give you. Kids, you oughta see Darry. He's takin' this mighty hard..."

Pony and I weren't listening. We snatched the letter, fumbling for who got to hold it and slumped against the wall.

Y/N, Ponyboy,

Well I guess you got into some trouble, huh? Darry and me nearly went nuts when you two ran out like that. Y/N, Darry's awful sorry that he hit you and for the things he said. You know he didn't mean it. And then you both and Johnny turned up mising and what with that dead kid in the park and Dally getting hauled into the station, well it scared us something awful. The police came by to question us and we told them as much as we could. I can't believe you could kill somebody, Y/N. Good for you. I know Dally knows where you are, but he keeps his trap shut and won't tell me nothing. Darry hasn't got the slightest notion where you both are at and it's nearly killing him. I wished you'd come back and turn yourselves in, but I guess you can't since you might get hurt. You sure are famous. You got a paragraph in the newspaper even. Take care, and say hi to Johnny for us.

Sodapop Curtis

My heart pounded as I read the letter, and Ponyboy asked, "How come you got hauled in?"

"Shoot, kid, the boys at the station know me by now. I get hauled in for everything that happens on our turf. While I was there, I kind of let it slip that y'all were headin' for Texas. So that's where they're looking."

"Fitting. Dallas, Texas," I said, grinning. Dally gave me a friendly shove.

"Shut your trap, Y/N," he said, smiling.

"Okay, Texas," I replied. Dally smoked his cigarette and cursed it for not being a Kool.

"You sure can cuss good, Dally," Johnny said, in admiration.

"Sure can," Dally said, smiling. "Kid, I swear you don't look like you with your hair all cut off. It used to look tuff. You and Soda had the coolest- looking hair in town." he said to Pony. "Oh the other hand, Y/N, you look-"

"I know. I look lousy, but don't rub it in."

"Do y'all want something to eat or not?" Dally asked.

"You better believe it," Pony shouted.

" Gee," Johnny said. "It sure will be good to get into a car again."

"Well, I'll give you a ride for your money," Dally said, smirking. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now