Back to School

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Warnings: Harassment

Word Count: 801

I was the first to wake up, and as Ponyboy previously informed me, the first person up makes breakfast and the rest have to do the dishes. Luckily, I didn't have to climb over Johnny to get off the couch. The cupboards of the Curtis house are very bare. The only things in the refrigerator are eggs, milk, and a half-eaten chocolate cake. Well, the only edible things. The rest of the food looks moldy and rotten. 

There isn't much you can make with cake ingredients and grape jelly, so I made a quick run to the store with the twenty dollars B/N gave me a while back. It isn't too much, but I pick up a couple things like orange juice, fruit, bread, and cinnamon. When I get back, everyone is still asleep. I try not to be too loud as I make french toast. 

Darry is not surprisingly the first one down, and he seemed shocked that I was up before him, but he said good morning, shrugged, and went to the armchair to read the morning paper. Johnny woke up soon after Darry came down and insisted that he help me do something. So I let him chop up some apples - bad idea - he almost cut his finger off and the pieces were uneven. Ponyboy and Sodapop rushed down at the same time and they were surprised that we were having something different. 

The table was really quiet at first, maybe they didn't like it? But as soon as Soda bit into a piece, he basically swallowed the rest of it whole. The rest followed, almost inhaling the food. It was good to feel appreciated. 

Pony, Johnny, and I walked to school together. Pony and I were in the same class because he got moved up a grade. I was hoping Johnny would be in the same class as us, but apparently he failed a grade and got held back. As soon as I stepped onto school grounds, B/N ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Never, ever do that to me again! You scared me!" he scolded.  "Come back to us!" 


B/N didn't look shocked. 

"Dad's still got it in for you, maybe that's the best idea. You know he didn't mean it though, right?" 

I pretended like I didn't hear him. 

"Where are you staying?" 

"With some friends."

B/N looked a little worried, but accepted my choice. "Alright, I got some cash from Margaret's wallet. Here, take it. Keep yourself safe and well, okay?" 

"Thanks," I replied, taking it and putting it in my bag. The bell rang.

"Awe shoot, I gotta get to class. Meet you after school?" B/N asked. 


The rest of the school day was awful. Bob and his goons kept bugging me. They kept licking their lips seductively and one of them even smacked my notebooks out of my hand. During lunch, Bob 'accidentally' bumped into me and spilled my tray everywhere. The rest of the week got worse and worse. They tore up my notebooks, put a snake in my locker, destroyed my school project, and more. By Friday, it had gotten so bad that I was basically running from class to class and hiding out in the bathrooms during breaks. Until Bob cornered me again.

"Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Didn't I warn you bad things would happen if you hung out with those hoodlums?" 

I tried to keep my head down and walk past, but he grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me really close. 

"You only got a taste of what I'm going to do to you. It's gonna be a fun weekend," he said, smiling. 

I didn't fight. I couldn't. As soon as he let me go, I ran off to the bathroom and hid for the rest of the day. 

"Y/N?" I heard Johnny call. "Y/N, I know you're in there. Come out, please?"

"Y/N, It's Ponyboy and Johnny. We're awful worried about you," Pony added. "Hey- Johnny! Wait- Get- Johnny-" 

Johnny came running into the bathroom and gently knocked on the bathroom stall. "Y/N, Please come out?" 

I gently unlocked the door and came out of the stall. 

"What happened?" Johnny asked, concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said, washing my face. 

"You're a bad liar. Was it Bob? I'll- I'll get him for you-" 

"No!" I said, drying off my face. "I- I just need some time." 

"Lies, lies," Ponyboy said, waltzing in too. "Come on, Y/N. We're your friends. Tell us what happened. You've been aloof all week." 

I sat down on the floor and Pony and Johnny sat down too. 

"Look, Bob's just been bugging me, alright?" I sighed. 

"That son of a-" Johnny started. A girl walked into the bathroom and shrieked. All of us quickly hopped onto our feet and ran out laughing. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now