Return to Jay Mountain - Y/N POV

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Warnings: None

Word Count: 970

Eventually, Dally slinked off to Johnny's room to look after him from a chair. This was surely an eventful night.

In the morning, I pulled Darry from the armchair and told him to bring Ponyboy. Dally brought Johnny out, with a hardened expression back on his face. He glared at me, his eyes telling me that if I told anyone about what happened last night I'd get the tar beaten out of me. I honored that decision and kept my trap shut. Johnny and Pony stumbled out, still a little hung over, but glaring at each other as if they were sworn enemies. Darry shoved Pony onto the couch and Dally set Johnny down beside him, and they quickly scowled at each other before scooting as far away from each other as possible. They stayed put, not talking for a while.

"So, are we just not gonna talk to each other?" I asked, sitting on the coffee table. "I've got all day." 

"Then it looks like you're gonna be waiting for a while," Ponyboy snapped, refusing to even look in Johnny's direction.

"Come on, who's going to be the bigger man?" I pushed, trying to encourage one of them to step up. Nobody did. They sat in silence for thirty minutes. Then, Darry had to go roof some houses. I stepped away with Dally to discuss something. 

"Hey, can I borrow the T-Bird?" I asked Dally.

"What for?" he asked, smoking a weed.

"If they aren't cooperating, I'm gonna make 'em," I said, grabbing one of Dally's Kools and lighting up. "Tell Steve to bring up a tire to Jay Mountain in a day or so." 

I swiped the keys of of Dally, and he went away to probably grab some girls. Johnny and Pony just sat still, looking in opposite directions as I approached.

"Are we being released now?" Pony sarcastically asked. 

"No, we're taking a little road trip," I said, flicking the keys around.

"You can't drive," Pony said, sharply. 

"Watch me," I said. I had to drag them out by their jacket sleeves because they refused to budge, but I eventually got them into the T-Bird back seat, to which they scooted away quickly again. I rushed into the house to grab a large tarp, some string, Gone with the Wind, a deck of cards, bread, baloney, and a bit of cash. I smiled, eagerly and started the car. Whoo. I stepped on the gas pedal before quickly releasing it, giving them a little scare before we started off. 

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked, sounding irritated. 

"Down memory lane," I snickered.

"What the hell does that mean?" Pony asked. 

"You both are gonna find out." 

Their eyes widened as we pulled up to the ruins of the church. I slowed to a stop in front of the hill and stepped out. 

"The church?" Pony breathed. Johnny went pale as he stared at the ashes and broken glass. 

"Yeah, bet," I whispered. 

"No way are we staying here," Johnny said, nervous. I quickly flipped out my switchblade and slashed the car's front tire. 

"Yeah, we are," I said, putting my switchblade away. "Nearest town's miles away. Feel free to walk the day's journey back to Tulsa." 

They looked at me like they were going to kill me before reluctantly trudging up the hill. I smiled to myself, grabbing the supplies out of the car and walking up with them. We were all out of breath when we got to the rubble and I made a small overhang out of the tarp and string before brushing the rubble away with my jacket. 

"Welcome home, boys," I said, enthusiastically. "Might I introduce you to your main course?" I threw the bread and baloney at them. Pony looked like he might be sick. "This is all you're gonna be eatin' until we figure things out." 

I then threw the book and deck of cards at them. "And this is all you're gonna be doing." 

Johnny and Pony still refused to talk to each other. Pony read Gone with the Wind in one corner under the tarp and Johnny played Solitare. This wasn't working. I huffed exasperatedly.

"Okay, enough," I announced.

"Are we leaving?" Ponyboy grumbled, tossing the book aside.

"No," I said. "You're coming with me." I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him to the back of the church where the sun was beginning its descent. I sat him down and we watched the sunset quietly. Pony seemed less tense after that, though he was still upset.

"Pony, why did you hit him?" I asked, softly. Pony glowered at me. "Was it because you were jealous?" Pony immediately whirled around to look at me, ears turning red. 

"No! Why would I be jealous?" he asked, frantically. 

"Because you like me?" I squeaked, waiting for him to go ballistic. He didn't.

"Did Soda spill?" he asked, nervously, burying his head in his knees. 

"Yeah," I said, quietly. 

"I didn't mean to," Pony said, tearing up a bit. "I never wanted to hurt Johnny, I was just mad. We all got our rough days- I - Yes, I was a little jealous, okay? You and Johnny got this connection and I've liked you since the day I saw you, and- I guess I got drunk like Darry told me not to and everything just happened!" 

I hugged him, gently, and he calmed down, hugging me back. "I'm awful sorry, Y/N, tell Johnny I'm sorry." 

"You'll tell him yourself, once I've talked to him, alright?" I said, rubbing his back. "You're a good kid, Pony."

"I don't mean to ruin our relationship-" Pony stammered. "You and Johnny are good together. I'm awful sorry." 

"It's alright, Pony," I assured him. "It's alright." 

One down, one to go. Johnny seemed irritated with me, and I didn't know why. I was about to find out. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now