Are you ready to RUMBLE - Johnny POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 1239

I don't know how long I stayed on the ground of the lot. I didn't get up until the Curtises and Steve found me lying dirty in mud from the rain. I had been lying here all day and all of last night. I was so exhausted from crying and not eating. But I didn't care. Darry had to carry me to his house and I could tell that he was struggling. I was as limp as a noodle. I didn't even try to bathe myself, so Darry had to put me in my underwear into the bathtub and scrub the mud off of my face and body. Then, he set me in Soda and Pony's bed as they ate dinner.

Eventually, I gathered the strength to get out of the bed and get to the table. They were eating baked chicken with potatoes and corn. I slowly sat down in Y/N's chair and stared at them as they ate. They mentioned a rumble happening, and I figured I might as well go. I mean, what else do I have to do? And plus, its not like I could get any more hurt than I am. After eating, Pony and Soda and Darry went up to shower and change. Darry let me borrow one of Pony's jeans and t-shirts since mine were all muddy. Pony's a bit bigger than me, so they didn't fit tightly, but that was alright. I put on my jeans jacket even though it was still dirty. That was the only jacket I'd got. 

We waited in the living room for the rest of the outfit and Steve turned the radio up. Basically just Two-Bit. Of course, Dally wouldn't be here. And neither would Y/N. I swallowed hard at the thought, but luckily, Ponyboy asked, "You like fights, don't you, Soda?"

"Yeah, sure. I like fights."

"How come?"

"I don't know. It's action. It's a contest. Like a drag race or a dance or something. "

"Shoot, I want to beat those Socs' heads in. When I get in a fight I want to stomp the other guy good. I like it, too." Steve cut in.

"How come you like fights, Darry?" Pony asked. Darry didn't respond. Soda did.

"He likes to show off his muscles."

"I'm gonna show 'em off on you, little buddy, if you get any mouthier." 

"I don't know if you two ought to be in this rumble," Darry said to Pony and me. 

"How come? I've always come through before, ain't I?" Pony whined.

"Yeah, you two gave real good fights for kids your size. But you both were in shape before. You've lost weight and you two don't look so great. You're tensed up too much. Not to mention Johnny's condition..." 

"I'll be okay!" I shouted. "They ain't got nothing that can hurt me no more! I'm going, like it or lump it!" 

Everyone stared at me like I had gone batty. I know I wasn't my usual self in that moment, but they didn't need to look at me like that. I got a little flustered and sat down. 

"Shoot, we all get tensed up before a rumble, let 'em fight tonight. Skin never hurt anyone - no weapons, no danger."

"Y/N's a good fighter. Too bad she ain't here," Steve cut in, before shutting his trap about her quickly when I went pale. "We'll need every man we can get."

"Let us fight, Darry," I basically demanded. 

"Well, I guess you can. But be careful, and if you get in a jam, holler and we'll get y'all out," Darry said, giving in. 

Two-Bit came in soon after and started roleplaying a Soc. I wasn't having it. As much as I wanted to be in the rumble, as much as I told myself that they had already hurt me to my limit, I was scared. I touched my scar and shuddered. No, I couldn't back out. Not now. 

We arrived when Tim Shepard and his gang were already waiting. The rumble was in the lot. My lot. I looked at the tree where me and Y/N stayed a night. 

"Hey, you two are the ones that killed the Soc. And that little Soc-Greaser girl?" Tim asked. 

"Yeah," Pony said for me. 

"Good goin', y'all. Curly always said you were good kids. Curly's in the reformatory for the next six months. He caught breakin' into a liquor store, the little bitch-ass shit-faced mother fucker." 

I was by far the smallest one there, even if Pony was the youngest. I know I have a decent build, but that can't help the fact that I'm small. Pony is a good two inches taller than me and it bugged me to bits. Just like the fact that I looked fourteen when I ain't. Soon, Tim called Darry to the lead and we all lined up. 

"Let's get the rules straight, nothing but our firsts, and the first to run lose. Right?" a Soc asked.

"You savvy real good," Tim said, throwing his beer. 

Darry stepped forward and said, "I'll take on anyone." A blonde Soc stepped forward. 

"Hello Darrel." 

"Hello Paul." It was Paul Holden. Darry's old friend. 

"I'll take you."

They moved counterclockwise in a circle, sizing each other up. The moment that either of them struck, so begun the rumble. 

"Hold up! Hold it!" 

We all turned and Paul swung. The rumble was on. And Dally Winston came to join us. I ducked just in time to avoid a punch as Pony yelled, "I thought you were in the hospital!"

"I was! I ain't now!" Dally's arm was in bad shape. One of the bigger Soc's caught me and picked me up and barrel tossed me. 

"How?" Pony asked, as I rolled into the tree. 

"Talked the nurse into it with Two-Bit's switch. DOn't you know a rumble ain't a rumble unless I'm in it?" 

I didn't hear anything after that. The big Soc pinned me against the tree and started slugging me. I had never been much of I fighter. I was more of a wallflower and I knew it good. But I wasn't about to be no wallflower no more. I kicked the guy good in the balls. He dropped to the ground, moaning in agony. I saw Pony helping Dally, and I ran to join him. Pony pounced on a Soc, and I tripped him down. One of the Soc's grabbed me by my jeans jacket collar and started dragging me. Dally immediately came to the rescue and slugged the guy so hard that he fell down like a tree. I shuffled to my feet and someone elbowed me in the face. That time, I went down and stayed down. 

"They're running! Look at those dirty fuckers run!" Two-Bit yelled. The Socs were getting into the cars and leaving. I looked around and scanned the floor. Steve was doubled over with three broken ribs. Tim Shepard had a broken nose. Two-Bit had a busted hand, but he was grinning because we won.

"We won," Darry announced. "We beat the Socs." 

I smiled a little bit, but then remembered Y/N. I grabbed Pony by the collar and shook him a bit. "Come on! We're goin' to see Y/N!"

"Her parents were there when I left and let me just say, that blonde broad of a mom is up to no good!" Dally said, joining us. We ran down the road as fast as we could. If Dally was talking about Margaret, there might be a problem. 

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