I Want to Hold Your Hand

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Warnings: None, just some fluff

Word Count: 752

I woke up when Ponyboy got up. It was a lot earlier than usual- the sun hadn't risen yet. Pony went outside cigarette. I gently got off of Johnny, but unfortunately, I woke him up.

"Oh, hey, Y/N," Johnny said, sleepily. "Whatta ya doin?"

"Look," I said. The sun was coming up. I pulled Johnny up and we sat on the steps. The valley was covered in fog. The horizon looked like a thin, golden line. The clouds turned from gray to pink. I readjusted my hand to prop myself up and accidentally put them directly on top of Johnny's.

"Sorry," I said, quickly moving them off and to the side. 

Johnny looked at me, quietly, his dark eyes brightening as the sky turned gold. I looked down at his hand, slowly sliding towards mine. My heart pounded inside my chest and I felt his gentle hand on mine. He delicately picked it up and laced his fingers in mine. We didn't say anything, we just watched the sun rise. It was beautiful. 

"Golly, that sure was pretty," Johnny said, loud enough for Pony to hear. Ponyboy whipped around quickly and stared right down at our interlocked fingers. His face got real red, but he pinched his arm and sat down next to me. 

"Yeah," I said. "The missed was what was pretty. All gold and silver."

Pony started blowing his cigarette faster, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of our hands. 

"Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time," Johnny sighed. 

"Nothing gold can stay," Pony said, grumpily, glaring at our hands. I'd had enough,  I was getting weirded out, so I quickly dropped Johnny's hand. Johnny shot me a confused and hurt look, but quickly shifted back to his normal face. 

"What?" I asked.

"Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay."

Johnny and I stared at him. "Where'd you learn that? That was what I meant," I asked.

"Robert Frost wrote it. He meant more to it than I'm gettin' though. I always remembered it because I never quite got what he meant by it."

"You know," Johnny, "I never noticed the colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding me about them. It seems like they were never there before. Your family sure is funny.

"And what happens to be so funny about it?" Pony asked, offended.

"I didn't mean nothing. I meant, well, Soda kinda looks like your mother did, but he acts just exactly like your father. And Darry is the spittin' image of your father, but he ain't wild and laughing all the time like he was. He acts like your mother. And you don't act like either one," Johnny said.

"I know," Ponyboy said. "Well, you ain't like any of the gang. Neither are you, Y/N. I mean, Johnny, I couldn't tell Two-Bit or Steve or Darry about sunrise and clouds and stuff. I couldn't even remember that poem around them. I mean, they just don't dig. Just like, you Soda. And Y/N. And Y/N, you're different. Your so tough, like Dally, but so sweet and caring like Johnny. How does it work? How can you be so strong and so, so you?"

I shrugged. I couldn't say anything. Johnny spoke for me. "Yeah, I guess we're different."

"Shoot," Pony said, blowing a smoke ring. "Maybe they are." 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now