
3.6K 40 67

Warnings: Language, Violence, Assault

Word Count: 873

The sky is dark. Oh no. I must have fallen asleep! I frantically glance at my watch. It's eleven! Did I pass out from exhaustion? B/N is probably worried sick! And oh God - Margaret and my Dad will absolutely murder me. 

I stand up and brush the gravel off of my knees. Awe shoot, which way did I come from? Right? Left? I clench my jaw in worry and take a guess. It's a fifty-fifty chance, right? I walk out of the lot and head left. The path seems familiar, but a lot different at the same time- has it always been this cold out here? Wait, was that house there before? I cross my arms and trudge down the gravely road. The houses here are a lot more dilapidated than where our new place is. They are a lot more shabby looking and run down, this has got to be the sketchiest neighborhood I've ever been in. I continue down the path shivering and wishing that I had a gun or literally anything that I could use if some hobo tries anything. 

A couple of cars fly by and they almost hit me. I'm definitely going the wrong way. My sense of direction is awful... in the corner of my eye I can see a blue mustang with a couple of guys. It doesn't take long for the car to catch up with me and I almost instantly recognize the boys. Bob and his minions. Probably back to get me for slugging him, oh no. The car skids to a stop and I keep my head down and keep walking, hoping that if I'm quiet they will leave. I can feel them following me. Oh shit, this is not good. Then I hear it. 

"Miss Y/N," Bob says. "Fancy meeting you here. What are you doing all the way in greaser territory?"

"Greasers?" I ask, turning around to face him. He towers over me, and my heart is pounding inside my chest. 

"Yeah, the hoods from the east. You don't want to be hanging around those freaks." He smiles and I swear it looks evil. "What say you we finish where we left off? Then I can drive you home." 

My heart is about to pop out of my chest. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. Bob grabs my waist and pulls me close before reaching his hand under my shirt-

"Let go of me, asshole!" I scream, pulling away and slapping him hard. 

"Oh, fiery, aren't we tonight? Come on, doll, I'll teach you the ropes," he says, grabbing my hand. 

"You're disgusting!" I shout, slapping him again. 

"You don't wanna do that, Y/N. You'll regret it. Be a good girl for me, won't ya?" 

"Fuck you!" I yell, punching him right in the nose. Blood runs out of his nostril and he lightly presses his finger against it before wiping it away with his shirt. He laughs. 

"Now you're gonna pay." 

That was my cue to leave. I bolted down the street, chased by a bunch of his goons. I've never run so fast in my life. I can hear them shouting to each other, but I don't stop. I hate it here! Why can't everything just go back to normal! My eyes start watering. No! Now is not the time to cry, Y/N! Pull yourself together! 


Someone jumps out and I scream and fall backwards. It's one of his friends. He grabs me and pins me on the ground. Before he can do anything, I kick him off and hook kick his face. By then, the others are there. I've never actually fought outside of the martial arts studio. This is the real thing. I square myself and watch as they circle around me. 

"You could have taken the easy way out," Bob says, flicking open his switchblade. My heart stops. "But you just had to push it."

They come at me. I throw a kick, but they grab my leg and pull me to the floor. Four of them pin my limbs as Bob climbs on top of me with his switchblade. Before I can even yell for help, he punches me right in the cheek. That's when I realized he had rings on. Huge metal ones. As I'm thinking, he strikes again. And again. And again. He pulls my head up by my hair and I manage to bite his hand. He lets go, but quickly stuffs a handkerchief in my mouth and grabs my hair again.

"Goodnight, bitch," he says, slamming my head against the road. 

My eyes flutter open. I hear yelling, but I can't move. My finger twitches a little bit, and someone runs over to my side. He has nice grey eyes. Then two more come out. One of them is really tall and muscular and the other is short and slim. My eyes are too blurry and wet and I can't fully make out their faces. 

"Please don't hurt me," I cry, softly. 

"Hey, shh, they ain't gonna hurt you no more, kid," the handsome one says. 

The tall one scoops me up and I hang limply in his arms as I slowly close my eyes...

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now