Father - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing, violence

Word Count: 512


I hastily rushed back to the Curtis household, hands in my pocket and mind spinning. I loved Dally now, right? But as I thought about everything that happened between Johnny and I, I really wasn't sure. I had to talk to Soda. He would understand. 

That's when I felt a someone grab my hand and pull me into the shadows. 

"Y/N," I heard. He was barely recognizable. His voice was raspy and he had a thick layer of stubble. His hair had grown out longer, and I could smell the alcohol on him. "Y/N, come back, I'm so sorry." 

I gasped. "Dad?" He nodded slowly. I was about to go with him, but then I remembered all the times he had hit me, beat me and B/N, kicked me out of the house, didn't even say goodbye after the court case. "I'm sorry, but, I'm with my new family."

"Y/N, please," he begged, grabbing my hand again.

"Dad, please let me go." 

"Y/N." He squeezed my hand tighter. "I'm your father."


"Come back with me!" 

"Dad!" He started dragging me somewhere. I don't know where, but he was severely drunk and it couldn't be good. 

"Hey! Let her go, asshole!" Dally rushed up to him and quickly pushed him off of me. "Are you alright?" I could see the concern in his eyes as he gripped me tightly, safe in his arms. 

Dad stumbled back to his feet, touching his cracked lip. "So this is the kind of people you hang around now? Hoodlums?" 

The gang seemed to sense what was going on. Soda, Darry, and Pony soon appeared, followed by Steve and Two-Bit. 

"They're not hoodlums. They- We are are greasers. And we're family," I said, correcting myself and standing my ground. I left the safety in Dally's arms and faced my father. 

"They're delinquents!" Dad snapped. "They've changed you into something you're not!" 

"This IS me, Dad! I'm not you're little girl anymore!" I shouted. I immediately covered my mouth. I had never yelled at Dad before. I could see the flames in his eyes. 

Suddenly, he marched past me and grabbed Dally by the collar of his leather jacket. "You did this to her. Fucking hood." He threw Dally to the floor. Dally was clearly surprised and he took out his switchblade. 

"Stop!" I yelled, hitting the blade out of his hands. Then, Dad took out a switchblade too. Oh my God. "Stop!"

It was too late. Dally barely dodged the swing as Dad attacked him. The gang quickly helped Dally to his feet and tried to restrain my father. Dad elbowed Soda in the face, effectively knocking him down. Then, he slashed Two-Bit real good in the shoulder. And he even got Darry down, nailing him with the butt of his blade. 

"Stop! Dad! Please!" I begged, trying to step in between him and the gang. He threw me to the floor with ease and grabbed Soda, who was bleeding by the nose. "Dad!" I quickly tackled him onto the ground, pinning him down. "Don't hurt them!" 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now