Surprise Birthday - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 979

The next day was Saturday, and I rose early to take a quick walk around town before heading to the DX where I met Soda and Steve. 

"Fuck!" I heard Steve curse. 

"Sucker!" Soda sneered. Soda had put Steve's shirt on the top cabinet, just out of Steve's jumping reach. Steve was left shirtless just as I walked in. 

"Shorty," I joked. 

"Really?" Steve asked, irritated. "You really want to go there?" 

Steve hopped again, narrowly missing the tail of his shirt. "Fuck, come on, I ain't that short!" Steve was shorter than average, and a good three inches shorter than Soda. So Soda found a way to put the shirt just about three inches out of his reach. 

"Dumbass," I laughed, pushing Steve off to the side. "Can't you just-" I aggressively hit the wall, and the wall shook the cabinet, and the shirt fell off. Steve frowned and slid his shirt back on as Soda cackled. 

"You little-" Steve pounced on Soda and they started brawling. The door chimed and a tall girl walked in. They froze and got off of each other, clearing their throats and brushing the dirt off. I scrambled to behind the counter, pretending to not associate with either of them. The girl looked at them like they were rats. Hardcore Soc. I looked out the window to see her Stingray and she was really sharply dressed. She just bought gas and went out as quickly as she came in. Soda and Steve were about to start fighting again, but the telephone rang. I reached out to pick it up, but Soda slapped my arm away real quick and picked it up himself. 

"Alright, let's go," Soda said to Steve. 

"Okay, I'll keep the house," I said, sitting down.

"You too, Y/N," Soda said. 

"Wait, so who's running the station?"

"Nobody! Come on!" Soda said, grinning widely and grabbing my wrist. On the way out, Steve locked the door and flipped the "closed" sign. Steve never took a day off of work. What was going on? Soda slipped a blindfold on me. 

"Am I being kidnapped?" I asked, jokingly.

"Yeah," Steve replied, playing along. They walked me a huge distance, until I went up some stairs and heard a door open and close. Then, Steve pulled off the blindfold.


It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. But then I saw... Buck's? with balloons? streamers? confetti? And the entire gang. 

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," Johnny exclaimed, picking me up and spinning me around. Then, the gang started singing 'Happy Birthday'. Then, it hit me. It was my birthday! I was turning sixteen years old! I had completely forgotten! The song ended, and everybody cheered. 

"What- huh?" I still said, a bit in shock. 

"It was all Johnnycake's idea," Dally said, messing up his hair. "He even baked a cake for you himself! What a lovesick dork!" 

"Awe, lay off!" Johnny said, turning red. 

"Not just that either," Two-Bit said, mysteriously. "He really went all out on his gi-" Johnny quickly shut him up with a light slap on the wrist. 

"We'll do gifts later," Darry said. 

"Yeah! Let's party!" Soda exclaimed. 

Steve put on the radio and everyone started dancing. We had Buck's to ourselves since it was closed right now. At least, it was supposed to be closed, but Dally had a key. Two-Bit popped out a couple of beers from his jacket, and I grabbed Johnny.

"Not today," I said, dancing with him.

"Never," he agreed. 

Suddenly, Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley came on. Johnny smirked and got up onto a table. He swooped his hair back like Elvis and held up an invisible microphone, and started singing. He did his best to imitate Elvis' voice. 

"The warden threw a party in the county jail! The prison band was there and they began to wail! The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing! You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing! Let's rock!" 

Everybody clapped and joined in, starting to dance again. I hopped onto the table and started doing the twist alongside Johnny, who was still singing. He wasn't too bad either. So I joined in the chorus and Steve got onto a table just to do a backflip off of it.  

"Number 47 said to number three-" Johnny sang. I covered his mouth and sang the next part alone. 

"You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see. I sure would be delighted with your company.
Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me - let's rock!" I sang. I pulled my hand off his mouth and Johnny smiled and we started dancing again. 

"Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock, dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock
Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock, dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock
Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock-"

The gang stared at us as we danced like professionals. At the end of the song, he spun me out and I spun back into his arms, staring right up at his face. I could feel all the eyes on us and I smiled. "So much for 'I really can't dance'" I said, smiling up at him. 

"Just kiss already!" Dally called. 

"Who's kissin' my baby sister?" Darry shouted, pushing forward. Laughing, Johnny helped me up. 

"Come on, let's cut the cake," Johnny said, helping me off the table. The cake was beautifully made. I'd expected it to be chocolate, but no, it was a garnet red with white drip and buttercream frosting with an assortment of berries the top. 

"Oh my God, you made this?" I asked, admiring it.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I exclaimed. Johnny blushed and the gang sang happy birthday again as I cut the cake. We spent hours dancing, signing, and eating cake until we were worn out from the sugar. Then, Johnny slid the blindfold back on and led me out. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon