Johnny and Me

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 1302

After the movie, we all started walking. Two-Bit and Marciawas up front, leading us. They seemed to be having a good time.  Cherry and Ponyboy were a little in front of us, conversing on their own. He turned around to look at me for a few seconds and I caught Pony's gaze for a minute, then he just went back to talking to Cherry. Great, just leave me to the awkwardness. Johnny and I were stuck in the back, walking side by side but with a good few feet of distance away. Neither of us needed the extra awkward. 

We walked in silence for a good amount of time, until I caught a blue mustang trailing us. I scooted closer to Johnny and gave him a light tap on the shoulder, and we stopped walking and looked. Johnny made a small noise, like a light whimper, and wen't white. I'm pretty sure the blood was going from my face too. It was them. Without thinking, I grabbed Johnny's arm pretty tight, but he didn't shake me off. He grabbed my arm back. Soon, everyone stopped and and noticed.

"Cherry, look what's coming," Marcia said. "What are we gonna do?"

"Stand here. There isn't much else we can do." 

"Who is it? The F.B.I?" Two-Bit asked jokingly. That's when he saw Johnny and I. Then he got all serious. 

"No, it's Randy and Bob." 

"And a few other of the socially elite checkered-shirt set." Two-Bit added, in a deep voice. 

"Your boyfriends?" Johnny squeaked, shaking. 

"Maybe they won't see us. Act normal." 

"Who's acting? I'm a natural normal," Two-Bit said, getting his humor back.

"Wish it was the other way around," Pony said, softly.

"Hey, don't get mouthy, Ponyboy," Two-Bit said, jokingly.

Thank goodness the mustang passed by us. Marcia sighed and said, "That was close." Johnny and I were still shaking, and we were still clutching arms. When I noticed Ponyboy and Cherry were looking, I immediately pushed Johnny off and we went back to our safe distance apart. We kept walking, and Pony and Cherry went back to their conversation. Suddenly, Two-Bit said, "No, Ponyboy, that ain't right. You've got it wrong." 

"Gee, I thought you and Darry and Soda got along real well..." Johnny said, softly. I picked up real quick even though I wasn't listening. He was going on about Darry again.

"Well we don't," Pony snapped. 

"Pony, Darry only wants what's best-" I began. 

"An' you can shut your trap, Johnny Cade and Y/N Y/L/N, cause we all know you both ain't wanted at home either. And you can't blame em'". 

Johnny and I froze. My heart dropped and I started breathing heavily, keeping the tears in my eyes. My new family, and now I've ruined it. I went down on my knees and wiped the tear off my face. Two-Bit gave him a good backhand across the face. "Shut your mouth kid, if you wasn't Soda's kid brother, I'd beat the tar outta you. You know better to talk to Johnny and Y/N like that. She's basically your sister." Johnny bent down next to me and Two-Bit helped me up. "He didn't mean it guys."

"I'm sorry," Ponyboy said. "Y/N, Johnny, I was just mad." 

I didn't know what to do, so I buried my head in Johnny's jacket. He didn't stop me. I mumbled, "It's true. I don't care." Johnny gently rubbed my back. 

"Y/N, it ain't true. Your old man just had an outburst." I stood myself back up and Johnny gave Ponyboy a good glare. 

"It ain't fair! It ain't fair that we all have the rough breaks!" Pony cried. 

"I know, the chips are always down when it's our turn, but thats the way things are. Like it or lump it." Two-Bit said, messing up my hair and grinning. I felt a little better, but it still hurt. 

"Well, they've spotted us," Cherry said, grimly. I went pale again, and so did Johnny. The mustang pulled up on our side and I backed up into the fence. Johnny followed. The two Socs in the front seat jumped out. It was Randy and Bob. 

"Cherry, Marcia, listen to us..." 

Johnny was staring at Bob's rings and getting whiter by the second. I gathered my strength and stood straight and right in front of Johnny, just in case something happened. 

"Just because we got a little drunk last time..." 

"A little? You call reeling and passing out in the streets 'a little'? Bob, I told you, I'm never going out with you while you're drinking, I mean it. Too many things could happen when you're drunk. It's me or the booze." Cherry said, sternly.

"Baby, come on, you know we don't get drunk very often, and if you're mad at us, that's no reason to be hanging around these bums and that traitor." Randy looked at me with a cool stare. He meant me. I was supposed to be a Soc. 

"Who you calling bums?" Two-Bit asked, taking a long puff of his cigarette.

"Listen greasers, we got four more of us in the back seat-"

"Then pity the back seat." 

"If you're looking for a fight-" 

"You mean if I'm looking for a good jumping, you outnumber us, so you'll give it to us?" Two-Bit continued. "Well..." 

I saw Two-Bit smash a beer bottle against the wall, throw it to Ponyboy, and flip out his butterfly knife in under five seconds. I immediately threw my backpack to the ground and got into a quick fighting stance. They've picked on me one two many times, now they were gonna pay. I set up a roundhouse kick, but Cherry got right in front of me and I barely stopped before kicking her in the face. "No! Stop it! We'll ride home with you! Just wait a minute!" 

"Why, I ain't scared of them no more," I said, glaring at Bob with fire in my eyes. 

"I can't stand fights, I can't stand em." 

I was about to tell her that she should learn, but Ponyboy quickly dropped the bottle and said, "I couldn't use this." 

I didn't stick around to hear the rest of what he was saying. Johnny was shaking like a leaf and I went up to him and stroked his back a little bit to calm him down. The next minute, the car whizzed off. I hoped that would be the last I'd ever see of them. If I ever saw any of them again, I just might kill them. I didn't realize my fists were clenched and I was still looking at the road. Everyone had already walked ahead, and I grabbed my bag and sprinted to catch up. Two-Bit left and Pony, Johnny, and I stretched out in the lot.

"It was because we're greasers. We could have hurt her reputation like Y/N." 

I immediately sat up. "I'm sick of this. I ain't a Soc, and I never was. I can't do this. No. I am NOT a Soc. I'd rather be a a greaser with you two than be a Soc with THEM." 

They both looked at me quietly before Johnny broke the silence. "Man, that was a tuff car, Mustangs are tuff."

"Big time Socs alright," Ponyboy added.

"I can't take much more, I'll kill myself or something," Johnny said. I ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his jean jacket.

"No, Johnny, you can't kill yourself. Life's a bitch, I know more than anyone. But we can't get along without you." Johnny's eyes flashed with regret and he stuttered, "Well I won't, but I gotta do something. There has got to be a place without Socs or Greasers, with just people. Plain ordinary people." 

I realized how close my face was to his, and I immediately let his collar go and apologized profusely. We lay back down, gazing at the stars...

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now