Thanks, Dal

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Warnings: Language

Word Count: 1006

Ponyboy lay coughing by the fountain. "I killed him," I said softly. "I killed Bob-" my voice cracked and I turned to look at the corpse. I couldn't look at it for more than a second without feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Guys, I think I'm gonna be sick," Ponyboy gagged.

"Go ahead, I won't look at you," I said. Johnny was still lying on the floor, looking half-beaten to death again. Or at least, he was looking awful white. I felt the knife slip out of my fingers and hit the ground with a loud clank. 

"You really killed him, huh?" Johnny asked, sitting down next to me, looking almost as green as me. 

"Yeah," I said, voice breaking. "I had to, they were about to beat you to death- and, and Pony, they were drowning you and they were gonna do some awful things to me-"

"Like they tried before?" Pony asked, softly. I could only bring myself to nod. 

"They ran when I stabbed him, they all ran..." my voice trailed off. I stood up a little and washed my face and hand from the blood. The water was bright red and I felt sicker. "What am I gonna do? They put people in the electric chair for killing people! I'm scared, what am I going to do?" I was freaking out. 

"Calm down, Y/N, get ahold of yourself!" Johnny said, gripping me by the shoulders. 

"I gotta get out of here. Get somewhere. Run away. The police'll be here soon-" I said, standing up and grabbing my bag on the floor. "You both oughta get home, I've got money, now I need a plan, and maybe a gun." 

"What? Ain't no way you're going anywhere without me," Johnny said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back. "Come on, Dally. Dally'll get us out of this." 

"Where can we find him?" I asked. Then it came to me.

"At Buck Merrill's place. There's a party there tonight. Dally said somethin' about it this afternoon," Pony said. "And neither of you are going anywhere without me." 

We arrived at Buck's soon. I was shaking like a leaf and Johnny comfortingly draped his jean jacket over me and  wrapped his arms  around me. Ponyboy kept looking at us in a funny way, but I was too busy thinking about the kid I murdered than to pay attention to that much. Buck didn't seem too happy to see us. "Whattya want?" 

"Dally, we gotta see Dally," Johnny demanded.

"He's busy," Buck grunted.

"Tell him it's Pony and Johnny and Y/N, he'll come," Pony harshly commanded. Buck swiftly got up, and in a few moments, Dally came in shirtless. For the first time, my cheeks didn't get hot. Maybe because I was out of blood or maybe it was something else. 

"Okay kids, whatta ya need me for?" Dally asked. 

I tried to tell him the story, but I kept hyperventilating and eventually Johnny took over for me. Dally looked at me with a bit of worry and a lot of pride. "Good for you, baby," he praised. 

"We figured you could get us out if anyone could, sorry to get you away from the party," Pony said. 

"Oh shoot, kid, I was in the bedroom." Dally mumbled, flipping his hair out of his face. The bedroom? What was he doing in the bedroom? It came to me. Oh, ew, gross- "Glory, but your ears can get red, Ponyboy. It wasn't anything like that, kid. I was asleep, or trying to be-with all this racket. Hank Williams. Me and Shepard had a run in and I cracked some ribs, I just needed a place to lay over. Ol' Tim sure can pack a punch. He won't be able to see outa one eye for a week-" I coughed loudly. "Well, wait a sec and I'll see what I can do about this mess. Ponyboy, are you wet?" 

"Yes," he stammered. "Glory hallelujah, you'll die of pnemonia 'fore the cops ever get you." Dally took us into a bedroom while saying every curse word ever made. "Get that sweat shirt off. Dry off and wait here. At least Johnny's got his jean jacket. Well, Y/N's got Johnny's jeans jacket? Wait- Nevermind. Point made. You oughta know better than to run away in a sweatshirt, and a wet one at that. Don't you ever use your head?"

"I wish I had me a weed," Johnny said. Pony dried off and Dally marched back in.

"Here," he handed Johnny a stack of money and a gun. "Here, gun's loaded. For Pete's sake Johnny, don't point that thing at Y/N-" Johnny quickly dropped the gun and had to pick it up and point it downards. "Here's fifty bucks. That's all I could get outa Merrill tonight. He's blowin' his loot from the last race. Y/N, Pony, do Darry and Soda know about this?" 

Pony shook his head and Dally said, "Boy, howdy, I ain't itchin to be the one to tell Darry and get my head busted." 

"Then don't tell him," Pony said.

"Here," Dally said, throwing a shirt at Pony. "It's Buck's, you ain't exactly the same size, but it's dry." Then he turned to me. "Hop on the three-fifteen to Windrixville. There's an old abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There's a pump in back, so don't worry about water. Buy a weeks supply of food as soon as you get there- I'll be up there as soon as I think it's clear. Man, I thought New York was the only place I could get mixed up in a murder rap." 

I shuddered at the word 'Murder' and Johnny adjusted his jacket on me while gently stroking my arm. 

"Git goin," he said to us. "And take care, doll." 

I turned to him and said, "Would you stop that? I ain't your broad or an available one for use- lay off." Dally looked surprised, but not shocked. He just shrugged and plopped down on the bed.

"We'll take care, Dally, thanks," Pony said. With that, we were off. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now