Recovery - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 618

I could feel the blood running down my face and onto my clothes as we finally marched into the hospital. Johnny was gritting his teeth, trying not to scream. His arm was severely dislocated. The doctors quickly escorted us into the same room, where I was quickly laid down and changed into a hospital gown. They injected some sort of numbing medicine into my face so they could stitch the cut back up. Then, they popped Johnny's shoulder back into place. I won't forget his yells of pain.  And then, Darry was called. And the gang came running in.

"What the hell were you two thinking?" Dally exclaimed, grabbing Johnny by the collar and shaking him up good. "Y'all both were out after curfew and making us worried sick, and then we get a call that ya need stitches and yer arm got dislocated?" Dally dropped Johnny back onto the hospital bed and grabbed me. "What in the almighty universe were y'all thinking?" 

"You're starting to sound like Darry," Johnny said, clenching his teeth still as the nurse bandaged his shoulder. Dally put his head in his hands disapprovingly and sighed exasperatedly. 

"Are you alright?" Ponyboy asked, looking at the sutures. "What happened?"

I spilled the entire story. The gang stood with crossed arms and concerned faces until I finished.

"Ol' Tommy's outa the mental," Steve said, shaking his head. "Read something in the paper about 'em escaping. The kids nuts." 

"No shit," Johnny seethed, trying to move his arm and grunting in pain. 

"The cops will be after him," Darry said, reassuringly. "Let's get you both home to rest." 

The car ride home was rather silent. Even Two-Bit was quiet, and Two-Bit was never quiet. Soda slung his arm around me, trying to cheer me up, but I could see my face in the rearview mirror. That scar would last the rest of my life. It ran from the left of my nose all the way to my cheekbone and then downwards to the lower cheek. I couldn't feel my face. 

After that incident, Johnny and I had to stay inside for a couple of weeks. Over that time period, Johnny seemed to get more irritable. He was swearing more and seemed far more aggressive than usual. Ponyboy had accidentally walked in on him changing and gotten a Converse to the face. Once we finally got out, Dally wouldn't let either of us go anywhere without him accompanying us. Not until Thomas was taken care of - at least that was how Dally phrased it. Not like either of listened to Dally anyways. After dark, Johnny and I would sneak over to the lot.

At that point, my stitches had been removed and Johnny's shoulder was healed, but we were both still a bit shaken up. We went from carrying switchblades in our back pocket to carrying a heater. We weren't planning to use it unless we needed to, which is why we kept the bullets separate. But it would definitely help a bluff. 

"Look, I see Orion the Hunter," I said, pointing up at the stars. "See?"

Johnny grunted a bit. "Stars are stupid." 

"I thought you liked them?" I asked, confused. 

"Well I don't," he said, standing up and lighting up a cancer stick. "They're dumb. Nobody cares about whatever that is. You look at random dots in the sky and I'll find something more meaningful to do."

I watched as he walked off, fingers jammed in his pockets and puffing out smoke rings. He had never talked like that before, especially to me. I could feel a bit of something. Anger? Confusion? Sadness? He blew me off. And insulted me. The Johnny I know wouldn't do that. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now