
2.6K 35 23

Warnings: Language, Harassment

Word Count: 709

We couldn't stop laughing over the bathroom fiasco and school was almost finished anyways, so Johnny and I decided to cut the last period. Ponyboy came along, though he was reluctant and pressed that Darry would 'kill him'. Unfortunately, we ran into the last person I wanted to see. Dallas Winston. 

"Hey baby," he said, wrapping his arm around my neck. I pushed it off faster than he could finish his sentence. What a player. He knew he was good looking, but I wasn't about to give into a pretty face. Johnny and Pony looked at him cooly. 

"What are y'all three doing here? Don't ya got school? Y'ain't about to drop out like Soda, are ya Pony?" Dally asked. Pony's ears got real red. He told me that Soda was a dropout and he didn't like it when other people used the term 'dropout'. 

"Nup, just hanging," Johnny said as Dally messed up his hair. 

"Nah, all cool. I'm heading down to Bucks. Wanna tag along?"

We passed Bucks while they were showing me around. I think it's a bar. No way are we old enough to be in there. Neither is Dallas for that matter, but he's always carrying some sort of false ID. I had no idea how he was going to sneak us in. But by god, he was Dallas Winston. He'd find a way. 

I was feeling a little nervous as we approached; I'd never been in a bar and I'd seen what alcohol does to a man. Dallas let us in through a different entrance and we slipped in easily. It was awful crowded and boy, were people making noise in the bedrooms. I felt my face heat up a little. I didn't like it here- there were too many people and it was too loud. 

"Dally, I want to leave," I said, turning to him. 

"Come on, just a few minutes. Plus, I got something to do real fast." 

I whipped around to tell Dally that we were leaving, like it or lump it, but he was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Pony for that matter. Johnny and I just stayed in the corner for most of the time until some guy came up to us reeling pickled. 

"Hey, doll, lemme buy you a beer," he said, getting a little too close for comfort.

"No thanks, I'm fine." 

"I insist."

"No, really." I kind of ran away. I didn't know what to do. I just did my best to weave through the people while shouting for Dally. I don't think he could hear me. Even I couldn't hear me- the music was too loud. If I stayed here for any longer I think I might be going deaf. Just my luck that I circled back right into the creep who grabbed my waist. 

"Get off of me," I shouted, breaking away. 

"Come on, doll. Just one kiss." 

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I heard. Johnny ran up to my side and pulled me up real close to him.

"She ain't yours, kid, fuck off." 

Johnny clenched my waist tighter. "I said, leave her alone." With that, the man slugged him right in the chest, effectively knocking him down. He didn't stop either, he kept at it. 

"Stop!" I shouted, pulling the guy off. I gave him a good slap to the face before grabbing Johnny's wrist and running out the first exit we could find. 

Dally and Pony came running out too, following us. They must have seen the commotion. Johnny clutched his bleeding nose and pinched it to try to stop it. 

"Awe, shoot, kid," Dally said, handing Johnny a napkin. 

I saw red. "Dally! I told you we should have left! Why couldn't you just listen! You can't ever listen! You're so selfish! Look at Johnny's face! It's a waterfall! This is all your fault!" I shoved Dally hard, and he almost tipped into a lamp post. He was in shock. I don't think anyone had dared talk to him like that. By the time he came up, I was gone. Storming off to the lot. What did he expect? Me to just go along my merry way after getting harassed and Johnny almost losing teeth? No. I just needed a minute to cool off. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now