Sodatalks Curtis - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 527

I stormed into the house, dried tears clinging to my face. Darry, Soda, and Pony stood up immediately, and so did Dally, who was drinking a bottle of beer on the couch. 

"What's wrong?" Soda asked, but I pushed him aside and ran to his and Pony's bedroom and slammed the door shut. I quickly flopped onto the bed, burying my face in the pillow, cursing at anything and everything. 

A small knock came, but I didn't respond. Soon, Darry and Soda and Pony were right next to me and Darry gently stroked the top of my head. 

"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked. 

"Go away," I demanded. 

"No," he replied, kneeling on the floor. "Talk to us, we're worried about you."

"We're done," I cried, hugging my pillow.

"What?" Soda asked.

"Johnny and I."

"WHAT?!" Pony exclaimed, sounding more surprised than I was. "Oh, no. nononononononono-"

"Shut your trap, Pony," Darry ordered, and Pony sat down. "What happened?"

"Other than Johnny treating her and us like trash for the past few weeks?" Soda chimed. 

"Shut it, kid brother!" Darry yelled. 

"Well, yeah, that..." said. "And he hit me." 

"WHAT?!" they all said, standing up. 

"Johnny?" Soda asked.

I nodded. 

"Cade?" Pony added.

I nodded. "Well, more like pushed-"

Darry was fuming, but obviously conflicted. If it had been anybody else in the gang except Johnny, he would have kicked their ass so hard they would fly to NYC. But Johnny was the gang's pet. So what could he do? He took a deep breath before saying, "I'll talk to him."

"Darry! No! Please-" I begged, but he was already leaving with Pony.

Soon, it was just Soda and I. 

"So," he began. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I said, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Not even a little?" he asked, smirking.

"Leave me alone," I said, but I couldn't help but laugh as he made a silly face while ripping the blankets off of me. 

"I've never been good with this kind of stuff, I mean, I'm not experienced in the world of females, but I'm here to be a comforting ear." 

Eventually, I told him the whole story and he didn't do anything except nod and put out the occasional 'mhm'. To be honest, it made me feel a lot better, and when I was finished, he hugged me tight. 

"Yeah, I know how that feels with Sandy and all." 

"It sucks," I sobbed, squeezing him.

"Yeah, it does," he smiled, looking at me. "But the important thing to know is you are an amazing kid and there are going to be hundreds of guys lining up at our door to date you and Darry'll have to kick them all to California. Plus, so what Johnny's a dick now? He shouldn't get to ruin your life. Here's what I suggest. Take a couple weeks off from school, do something relaxing and get your mind off of Cade. Savvy?"

I nodded and Soda handed me a cup of well made hot chocolate. 

"Thanks, Soda," I said, sipping it. 

"Anytime, little sis," he said, wrapping a blanket around me. Before he left, he cocked an eyebrow and I laughed. That Soda. He could make any situation better. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now