The Hearing - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Language

Word Count: 1120

The week up to the hearing flew by. Johnny and I decided that it was best if we found a later time to tell the gang about us and go on our first date, I mean, there were definitely more pressing concerns. Like the hearing. Where I would be tried for, uh, murder, and Darry would fight for custody of his two brothers. I started working at the DX with Soda and Steve to pass time and Johnny came by a couple times to bring me some cookies that he baked at the Curtis house, but I never actually got to eat any of them. Soda and Steve assumed that they were for them and chowed down before I could grab one. I bet they were delicious, but I wasn't eating well either. I wouldn't touch anything that looked, smelled, or resembled baloney in any way. It would make me sick. And so would bread.

Today was the day of the hearing. I paced back and forth. I was on the second cigarette of my second pack of cigarettes, and Darry and Johnny kept telling me to quit, but I didn't listen to either of them. I listened to Steve, though, when he dumped a bucket of ice-cold water on my head to put out the cigarette. I thought that Johnny's finger had looked bad - after stopping smoking, I went to my fingernail. I might as well have ripped my fingernail clean off - that's what it looked like. 

In the courtroom, I was wishing that I had a cigarette. Even though I was feeling sick after too many cigarettes.  There were only a couple people in the room besides the judge and me. Just Darry, Soda, Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, Cherry and her parents, and some of the guys who had jumped us that night. Also, Margaret. And B/N, and Dad. I hadn't seen Margaret or Dad since I ran past them in the hospital chasing after Johnny. 

Randy was questioned first, then the rest of the Socs. They all stuck to the truth. How they were drunk and they jumped us and that it was self defense. Cherry explained a little about what happened before two in the morning at the park. The judge questioned everyone real carefully. The judge then questioned Dally, who admitted to everything about helping us even though I had told him not to. And Ponyboy and Johnny were questioned, and they told the story from their perspectives. Then, they questioned me. To told the story in greater detail (I remember that night real well) all while shivering like a leaf. Johnny looked up at me with concerned eyes as I stuttered out everything. 

Eventually, the judge finished up my case. The judge didn't reveal the verdict yet though, there was still the custody case. Darry stood up in a sharp suit, looking real serious. 

"State your name and case," the judge said.

"My name is Darrel Curtis, and I'm here to argue for full custody of my two little brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy Curtis," he began in a steady voice. 

I settled down onto a bench when I heard something else. "And Y/N L/N." I immediately opened my mouth, but nothing came out. What? He was arguing for custody of me? 

"What?" the judge asked, confused. "Well then, proceed..." The judge seemed skeptical, but Darry told the whole story. About how we had moved here, and how I got jumped. How they found me and helped me, how my Dad got awful drunk and beat me and B/N, how I got kicked out of the house, and how they took me in like a little sister. 

Dad was questioned, and he was a mess. He didn't know what to say, but he didn't deny any of the claims. Then B/N was called up, and verified them as well. Margaret kept swearing and screaming, and she had to be forcefully removed. Finally, they called me back up. And I told them everything. Even about how Margaret thought I was useless and wanted me dead. Everything that I heard in the coma. The judge was completely shocked, and called a brief break. 

Once everyone regathered, the judge asked us a couple more questions. How were our friends? Who did we hang out with? Did we like living with Darry? Did we like school? What kind of grades did we make? And just like that, we were finished. I anxiously chewed my fingernails, waiting for the judge to announce the final verdict.

"The defendant, Y/N Y/LN has been found... not guilty," the judge said, slamming the hammer on the table. I jumped up in exhilaration and ran to hug the entire gang. We all gathered for a giant group hug before the judge told us to sit down and continued.

"The defendants Y/N Y/L/N, Sodapop Curtis, and Ponyboy Curtis have been found not guilty. At this time, I will place them in the custody of their older brother, Darrel. This court is adjourned." 

We all cheered and ran out of the building, screaming like wild animals - probably not the best thing to do in front of the judge. I leaped into Darry's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you!" I squealed. "Why? You already have enough on your hands!" 

B/N came out of the courthouse smiling. "You?" I asked, running up to him. "You put him up to this?" 

"What can I say, you're my little sister," he said, smiling. I ran into his arms and he spun me around gleefully. 

"What about you?" I asked, squeezing him.

"I'm only gonna be there for a few more months. Then I'll get my own place, maybe go to college and start a family. Just promise me that you'll visit and write whenever you can."

"Of course," I said, letting go. 

Just then, Margaret marched up to me and slapped me hard. "You little bitch!" she shouted. "You ungrateful piece of shit!" She was about to go at it again, but the gang stepped in front of her, blocking me. So did B/N. 

"Fucking hoods," she said, spitting on the ground and clutching her purse tightly and walking away. Just then, Dally spat out his wad of gum and threw it right where she was stepping. She gasped in surprise and angrily tried to stomp it out before marching away. B/N hugged me goodbye and reluctantly left with her. 

After they were gone, I immediately leaped into Johnny's arms, and the rest of the gang joined. 

"I always knew you was a good kid," Two-Bit said, grinning widely. 

"Wait, wait, wait," Soda said, slinging his arm around Steve. "Hang on, we need a celebration. And I know just the place. Me and Steve got this one." 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum