Dallas - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 553

Over the next few weeks, Soda, Darry, and Pony shooed the gang out of the house so I could be alone. Two-Bit, Steve, and Dally dropped by to cheer me up a bit, bring me snacks (especially chocolate cake), and hang out with me a lot though, so I didn't feel very lonely. Over time, I slowly forgot about Johnny and focused a little bit more on me. 

I started writing with Pony and helped him write a story about what happened with Bob, the church, and everything else. I helped Darry around the house and found out that I had a knack for cooking. And I started working out with Soda. 

Eventually, I decided that it was time to get back out into the world as a changed person. Literally too. After doing workouts with Soda, I was definitely more fit and I felt a lot better mentally as well. 

The first place I went was to the DX station, where Steve was ecstatic to see me.

"Y/N!" he said happily, wiping the grease off of his hands and hugging me. "You're back!" 

"Yeah," I said. "I brought you a snack." 

I pulled out a well decorated chocolate cake, which Steve promptly ruined by grabbing a fistful and shoving it in his mouth. "Thanks," he muttered with his mouth full.

The next thing I did was walk around until I found Two-Bit, who was at the drive-in pulling up girls' skirts. He got slapped hard across the face and started laughing so hard he was crying.

"So, I see you're finally out of that house!" he said, jokingly slinging his arm around me. "Good to see ya, Y/N!" 

"You too!"

Finally, I went to Buck's. 

"Hey, Buck, where's Dally?" I asked. Buck looked up from his paper and cigarette and pointed to his bedroom. Great. Hopefully, I wasn't walking in on anything weird. I know what happens in the bedrooms at Buck Merril's. 

"Dally?" I asked, knocking on the door. 

I was immediately greeted by a pair of arms hugging me and Dally's warm smile. I had never seen him look so happy. He towered over me, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Hey, doll, glad to see you're okay." 

I would have told him off of calling me 'doll', but he had been there for me when I needed him, so I didn't. "Thanks, Dal. Are you wearing cologne?" I asked. I put my nose to his chest. "Oh my God, you are! Who are you trying to impress, Dal?" 

"What? Nobody!" Dally exclaimed, jokingly throwing me onto his bed. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"Hey, Dal? Thanks for being there for me," I said gratefully. 

"Of course," he replied, rubbing my back. "I'm always here for you." 

As I left Buck's I couldn't help but think about Dally. He didn't seem as tough as before. He was a lot more open and sweet. Also, really good looking. Wait, what? I chewed on the bottom of my lip. Did I like him? No. I had just gone through a break up a month ago, and I am not just about to start dating again. Especially not Dallas Winston. 

But as his cute smile flashes through my mind, I just can't be sure. 

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