Steeeve - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Language

Word Count: 747

"Hey! Wake up!" Ponyboy exclaimed, shaking me awake. "Y/N, Johnny!" 

"What?" I asked, groggily. Johnny was still peacefully asleep on my chest. Boy, was he cute when he slept. I gently shook him until his eyes slowly fluttered open. 

"Someone's here," Pony said, mysteriously. I pulled a half-conscious Johnny behind a piece of wood and Pony and I ducked.

Then a whistle came. The low one ending in a sudden high note. I returned it, and poked my head out. It was Steve. 

"Morning, kids," Steve said, dropping his bag of mechanics tools and pulling a tire out of the back of the car.

"Oh, thank God you're here, I was wondering if Dally actually followed up," I breathed. 

Steve looked at Pony and Johnny. "You kids all good now? You ain't gonna kill each other in y'all's sleep?" 

"Yeah, Steve, we're all good," Johnny said. 

"Boy, it's goddamn freezin' here. Ain't y'all about to freeze you're asses off?" Steve asked, rubbing his hands together before getting one one knee and taking off the slashed tire.

"Nup, just you, maybe you should think about wearin' something other than a jean vest," I suggested. 

Steve looked up at me and rolled his eyes, mumbling something unintelligible. In about five minutes, Steve had gotten the new tire on, tow roped his own car to the T-bird, and got his hands full of brake dust. His face too, since he has a nasty habit of touching his face. 

"I'm hungry," Steve said, brushing the dust off on his pants. "Any suggestions?"

I looked at Pony and Johnny, smirking.

"No," they groaned, knowing exactly what I meant.

"You guys seriously want ice cream when it's this cold?" Steve asked, handing us hot fudge sundaes from the Dairy Queen. "You kids are nuts." 

We were all pretty hungry since none of us had dinner. We kept our distance from the baloney, but this time we didn't gorge. We just had our sundaes and barbecue sandwiches. But just one of each. Then Johnny and I shared a banana split. Steve scraped the ice cream off of his ice cream cake and just ate the chocolate cake. 

"I think Soda's is better," he mumbled, mouth full. 

"Steve, chew with your mouth closed," I said, jokingly. 

"Go fuck yourself," he yelled, stuffing more cake into his mouth. 

Eventually, we finished up and Steve drove us home, all while lecturing us all about cars. And driving. And the fact that he was surprised that I didn't kill Pony and Johnny and myself driving up. Soon, we pulled into the Curtis driveway. 

"I can't believe that you actually drove a car," Steve kept saying. "You! A little fifteen year old girl." 

"Is it just because I'm a girl?" I asked, sipping a Coke.

"Nup, but kinda. I mean, you're a girl. Like, aren't y'all into makeup or some shit?" he asked, eating more of the cake. The ice cream had melted and dripped all across the seat of the car. But he didn't care because it wasn't his. 

"That's really misogynistic," I snapped.

"What the fuck is 'misogynistic'?" Steve asked, clearly confused.

"You know, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can do anything less than you." 

"Kid, I'm a man. I'm strong. You're... you're a kid sister." 

"Fine, then let's arm wrestle," I said. Johnny and Pony looked at me like I was absolutely nuts. I was really going against Steve Randel? The self-proclaimed 'king of Tulsa'? Yes. Why? Because I had strategy. And strategy always exceeds strength.

"Hey, you're back!" Soda exclaimed, hugging both Steve and I, then scooping up Ponyboy and flinging him onto the couch. "Darry's off roofin' again. God knows where the rest of them are." 

"Yeah, you're kid sister wants to arm wrestle me," Steve said, laughing.

"Ya sure, kid?" Soda asked. 

"Watch me," I said. We positioned our elbows on the table. "On the count of three, then we'll start." 

"Alright," Steve said, nonchalantly. 

"One, two, three," I quickly licked my hand sloppily before grabbing Steve's hand. He gave me a disgusted and shocked look. I quickly pushed his arm down. 

"Ugh, shit, Y/N, what the fuck?" he asked, quickly getting up and washing his hands. 

"Holy shit, she beat you!" Soda said, cracking up on the couch. Pony and Johnny were snickering as well. 

"She cheated," Steve said.

"You never said nothing. Plus, what's the harm in a little spit?" I smiled widely and Steve rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna get you back," he said, playfully.

"I'll be ready." 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now