"Like You're Married"

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Warnings: Very very very small language (damn) 

Word Count: 710

Johnny, Pony, and I went to the drive in at night, but we decided to leave when the couple in front of us... took things up a notch, you could say. We all started walking back and we ended up passing Johnny's house. Boy, I could hear the screaming from a mile away. Johnny got a little pale. 

"You should come to the Curtis house for the night," I suggested.

"Naw, I wouldn't do that to y'all. You got enough to worry about with four now as it is." 

"Come on, Johnnycake, at least take the floor. The sky's gettin' awful grey and it might rain tonight. If you're gonna sleep on the ground, then do it on the mat," said Pony. Johnny flushed red when Pony called him Johnnycakes. He looked really embarrassed actually. 

"Johnnycakes?" I scoffed a little. "What's that for?" Johnny just got redder by the minute.

"I don't know, actually. He looks more like a puppy than a cake. A real dark puppy that got kicked once too much." At this point, Johnny looked like a big tomato. It was hilarious. I decided to see how much redder he could get. 

"Eh, I think he's actually a cinnamon roll." 

Johnny blushed so hard that I though he was about to pop. I had to pinch myself to stop myself from cracking up. The poor kid. Good entertainment though. 

"So, are ya comin, Johnny?" Pony asked. 

Johnny just nodded and tried to hide his face. It was too late though, and plus, his neck was turning red too. We got to the Curtis house and it looked like everyone had left. Thank goodness Dally wasn't there or I he might have made me as red as I made Johnny. In the first minutes I had met Dally, I could hear him saying real dirty things to the gang. Then, the toilet flushed and Two-Bit walked out of the bathroom.

"Howdy, Y/N," he said, flopping onto an armchair as Johnny made himself comfortable on the floor. 

"Wait, Johnny, take the couch. I'll sleep on the floor," I said. 

"Naw, I couldn't do that to you, Y/N," he said. 

"Come on," I continued.

"No, I'm fine, really."

"Just for the night, alright?"

"I'm perfectly comfortable on the floor, Y/N,"

"I insist."

"No, I insist." 

"No, I-"

"Oh my lord Jesus, you two are bickering like you're married! Just share the damn couch!" Two-Bit yelled over us, taking a swig of beer. Johnny flushed red again, and I could feel my cheeks heating up too. 

Two-Bit left a while ago. The couch was really small with two people lying on it lengthwise. Johnny and my shoulders were touching. And our backs. And our hips. And our legs. It was literally impossible to move or lay still without grazing each other. We lay facing away from each other, Johnny facing the back pillows and me facing the TV. 

"You sure you don't want me to take the floor?" I asked.

"Yeah. You sure you don't want me to take the floor?" Johnny asked. 


We lay down in silence for a couple more minutes and Johnny shifted and pushed me off the couch. 

"Sorry!" he said, pulling me back up. 

"It's alright," I said, readjusting myself and pulling the blanket a little too hard, ripping it off of Johnny. "Sorry!" 

"No problem," he said, re-wrapping himself. 

"Ow!" I said, sitting up. There was a switchblade underneath me. It wasn't open, but it was uncomfortable to lie on.

"Sorry," Johnny said, setting it on the table. After a few seconds I asked.

"What's with the knife? You keep it with you in bed?"

Johnny shrugged and turned to me. "Just in case." 

"In case of what?"

"In case of it happening again." 

Johnny ran his fingers over his scar. 

"I'll kill the next person who beats me like that again- I - I'll really kill them." 


We locked eyes for a minute. His eyes were big and dark, but they were also sweet and sensitive. Suddenly the light switched on and we quickly turned away from each other. It was Soda.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, just getting my sweater-" he said, grabbing a jacket off of the armchair by the couch. 

The light switched off. It was quiet until we went to sleep. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now