Goodbye - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Violence, Swearing

Word Count: 639

"Johnny?" I asked, walking into the lot. There were still a couple of dried rose petals on the floor. He was leaning against a tree, puffing on a cigarette. He looked up at me and nodded, acknowledging my presence. He couldn't even say hello to me now.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked as gently as I could, even though I was real pissed.

"What's the matter with you," he emphasized, flicking his cigarette butt at me and starting a new one. 

That was the first time he had actually said something back to me. "Johnny, you're ignoring me, you're getting into fights, and you're leaving me to clean up your messes!" I pressed.

Over the past few weeks, Johnny had gotten into a total of seven fights, all of them being self-instigated. He never said anything when he came to me. He just sat in silence as I cleaned him up, and then he was gone as quickly as he had come. 

"I never asked you to do any of that, Y/N!" he shouted. He had never shouted at me before. I could see the fire in his eyes, and I started tearing up. 

"Because you shouldn't have to! Because that's what couples do because they care about each other!" I screamed back, slapping the cigarette out of his mouth. "But I'm starting to think that that isn't the case anymore!"

"I care about you, but you're being so irritating and clingy nowadays! You're acting like you'll die without me!" Johnny exclaimed, standing up and towering over me. He pointed a finger at me and started waving his hands in the air as he rambled on. "You think I'm being a bad boyfriend? Well you're an awful girlfriend! I thought you would support my choices, but no, you're just as bad as anyone."

"All you're doing nowadays is getting into fights!" I exclaimed, starting to wave my hands in the air.

"So what? I'm not man enough to fight? Is that what you think? Poor little crybaby Johnny isn't able to fight for himself. The poor abused kid can't stand up for himself! The poor boyfriend needs his girlfriend to fight for him? Yeah, all you want is to know that you're stronger than me. Well that is the case, isn't it?" Johnny shouted. 

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" I asked, yelling back at him. "You're even worse than Dally!"

"Dallas Winston, yeah, you bring him up now too. Because that's who you like now, isn't it? The hot bad boy? Stupid cheating bitch!" Johnny fumed, shoving me. 

Suddenly, I felt myself hit the ground hard, and my head hit against a rock. Shocked, I sat up and looked at the Johnny I thought I knew. His eyes immediately softened, and a worried expression was painted on his face. 

"I- Y/N, - I didn't mean - I'm sor-" I stood up quick and slapped him hard, tears streaming down my face. 

"So that's what you think is it?" I said, sobbing angry tears. "You want to be alone? Fine, Jonathan. Be alone!" 

I ripped the necklace off my neck and threw it at his feet. I could see the tears forming in his eyes as I whirled around prepared to storm off. 

"Wait!" he begged. "Y/N, you promised!" He pulled the half-heart necklace from his shirt and showed it to me with pleading eyes. 

I shook my head. "As long as you're still you and I'm still me. As long as we both still want it," I said, repeating my words. "This isn't you. And clearly, you don't want it. We're done. Goodbye, Jonathan." 

I pulled the half-heart necklace off of my neck as well, and placed it delicately in his hands. Then, I couldn't help but sob as I ran off, holding my face in my hands. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now