1.9K 27 22

Warnings: None

Word Count: 469

Nights were long. Pony, Johnny, and I spent the next nights curled up on the floor. Johnny wrapped me in his jean jacket and I laid on his chest, snuggled up to him for body warmth. Pony laid a little ways away from us, curled into a little ball. 

Days were longer. The first few days, we passed time with Pony reading Johnny and I 'Gone with the Wind' out loud and playing poker. They were both surprised at how good I was at it.  

"Straight in clubs," Johnny said, putting down his deck. Pony groaned and flopped backwards. He smirked at me, and I kept my poker face.

"Man, you're good," I exclaimed. Johnny smiled in his 'victory'. "But just not good enough." My poker face disappeared real quick and turned to a wide grin. In my best British accent, I got real close to his face and turned my cards so he could see them. "In your honor, a royal flush." Both Johnny and Pony groaned. 

"It ain't fun when you win all the time," Pony said, angrily.

"I think it's real fun." I said, gloating. After fifteen poker games, Pony and Johnny owed me about a hundred and fifty bucks. Each. 

I never really paid much attention in school, but I knew a little about the Civil War. Johnny was clueless. Ponyboy explained a lot of stuff to us as he read us 'Gone With the Wind'. It was actually really interesting. At least a lot more interesting than school. Teachers just planted a billion notebooks and textbooks on my desk and ordered me to work. Johnny and I loved the southern gents. Especially after they rode into sure death. They were gallant. 

"I bet they were cool ol' guys," Johnny said, admiringly. "They remind me of Dally." 

"Dally?" I asked, surprised. Dally was anything but a gentlemen. 

"Yeah, Dally? Shoot, he ain't got any more manners than I do. And you saw how he treated those girls the other night. Soda's more like them Southern boys."

"Yeah, in the manners bit, and the charm too, I guess." Johnny said, slowly. "but one night, I saw Dally gettin' picked up by the fuzz and he kept real cool and calm the whole time. They was gettin' him for breakin' out the windows in the school building, and it was Two-Bit who did that. And Dally knew it. But he just took the sentence without battin' an eye or even denyin' it. That's gallant." 

I blinked a couple of times. I had only ever seen the rough side of Dally. I never understood why Johnny admired him so much. But now I understood. Dally was Johnny's idol. He was living proof that someone could get by on his own. I started seeing Dally in a different light too. 

I rushed to the supply box and dug out a notebook and a pencil. And I wrote. I wrote everything. I wrote my story, how I came to Tulsa, how I came to meet the gang. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now