Dallas Fucking Winston

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Warnings: Swearing, Strong mentions of Sex

Word Count: 945

I walked with Johnny and Pony to the lampost on Pickett where Dally was waiting for us. Dally took us to the shopping center and bought me a Coke, which I gave to Pony. Bad idea, he turned into a real hyper. He and Johnny even started blowing straws at the waitress in a diner. 

"You better stop that, you're gonna get us kicked out," I warned. They turned and started blowing their straws at me instead. "Oh, you-" I joined in and started blowing straws around with them. One caught Pony right in the eye while Johnny and I laughed like maniac hyenas. Eventually, I stopped and they went back to shooting the waitress.

"Would you stop that?" the waitress said, finally having had enough. 

"Yeah, that's right boys, enough of that. Pony, be a good boy" Dally said, sarcastically. Pony let out a low honk and they kept shooting. "Light me up, Pone." Pony lit up Dally's cigarette and I rolled my eyes. 

"Please leave," she said impatiently.

"Nup, I haven't finished my coffee," Dally said, taking a dainty sip and putting his feet up on the table.

"Get out," she ordered. "Leave now." 

After a lot of hassle, I finally managed to drag the boys out of there. I tipped off the waitress and apologized for their bad behavior. The next place Dally brought us was to a small shop, and I already knew Dally was up to something. He kept walking around the place and checking out things that were laying around, glancing at the manager, and glancing back at the items. 

"You ain't about to steal, are ya? You could get dropped right back in the cooler," I whispered. 

"Relax, doll, I know what I'm doing," Dally whispered back, snagging two packs of cigarettes off the shelf while the manager wasn't watching. He kept wandering around the store until the manager had enough and asked us all to leave. I wasn't about to expose Dally - he'd beat the tar out of me - so I just dropped a couple bucks in the tip jar and followed them out. After some more goofing off, Dally snuck us into the Nighty Double even though it only cost a quarter to get in without a car. I didn't say anything though, I just stuck to Johnny real closely as we scaled up the fence and into the theater. We headed down the aisle and Dally picked a spot right behind two girls. I recognized them, they were in the neighborhood where Margaret, B/N, and Dad were living. 

"Dallas," I said, in a low voice. He ignored me and started talking.

"Man, my broad sure knows how to fuck," Dally said, loudly. 

"Dal-" I warned, but he glared at me. 

"Her moans are so sweet. Never got off so good in all my days. What a fucking slut." 

The two girls ignored him, and he was getting mad. He put his feet up on the back of her chair and basically yelled out, "I wish I could feel her pussy on my dick right now, but I guess another bitch will have to do for tonight- I'd need one that knows how to give a fine-ass handjob." 

The girl in front snapped around, and before I could get caught up in something I didn't want to, I grabbed Johnny by the wrist and basically dragged him out. 

"Boy, Y/N, you sure are red. You good?" Johnny said, once we were out.

"Dallas fucking Winston-" I cursed. Johnny looked shocked, but he cut me off before I could say anything worse. 

"Dally's alright, you just gotta get used to him. I know he ain't the best guy, but he's good, I promise." 

I cooled off a bit and Johnny bought me a Coke. We slipped back into our seats, and Johnny softly got out a 'hi' and I waved a little. She looked at us, and then at me, before beckoning me to come sit beside her. I glanced back at them and noticed Dally was getting red, so I did it just for kicks. Dally swiftly stood up and walked out.

"You're the one in the mansion on the hill. You're brother's real nice. You look a lot like him," the redhead said. "I'm Sherri Valance, but everyone calls me Cherry because of my hair. That's Marcia." 

"Y/N," I said, softly, shaking her hand. 

"What are you doing hanging around guys like Dallas Winston? Oh god, don't tell me you're dating that JD-"

"What? No, I'm just here with Johnny." Cherry nodded slowly. "Oh, and Pony." 

Dally came back, smacked my Coke right out of my hands, shoved a new one in, and gave one to Cherry. "This might cool you off," he said, angrily.

"This might cool YOU off, greaser" Cherry said, throwing it at his face. "After you wash your mouth and learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off too." 

"Fiery, huh? That's the way I like em," Dally said, grinning slyly. 

I'd had enough. I don't know what he was doing or if this was his idea of flirting or trying to impress me, I was quite done. I stood up and splashed my coke in his face. Johnny stood up at the same time and we both said "Leave her alone, Dally." 

Dally must have been in shock. I was also surprised, considering Johnny's timid manner. "Huh? What did you say to me you little shits?" he said wiping off his face. Then, he looked mad. I stood up straighter and Johnny quietly said, "You heard me, leave her alone." Dally looked like he was about to slap me and Johnny real good, but he glared and left instead. My heart was pounding inside my chest. I've never felt so good. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now