Buck's: Part 2 - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Harassment, Swearing

Word Count: 471

I should have know better when we left it to Steve and Sodapop to plan the celebration. None of us were old enough to be in Buck's, but Dally bullied Merril into letting us in. The place was crowded with people, and loud music was blasting in the background.

"I can't believe we're back here," Ponyboy said, his ears turning red. "Hopefully the music blocks out the, you know."

Johnny and I laughed, even though we could barely hear anything over "Shotgun" by Jr. Walker and the All Stars. 

"So, uh, wanna dance?" I asked, pulling them both onto the dance floor. 

"I can't dance," Ponyboy said, yelling over the music. 

"I can't either," Johnny agreed, jamming his hands in his pocket. 

"Here, just move your body to the beat of the music!" I shouted, hopping into the rhythm. Ponyboy just started swinging his arms and shaking his legs and it actually looked like he was possessed. Johnny just started bouncing his knees to the music and bobbing up and down. It looked absolutely ridiculous. Two-Bit was cackling at them as he started dancing with a girl. 

"Oh my goodness," I said. "You two are pathetic!" 

I grabbed Johnny and pulled him up close, setting my hands on his shoulders and placing his hands on my hips. "Come on, like this," I started dancing, and Johnny just followed my movements. It was clear that he wasn't enjoying all of the people around us, and I decided Pony should learn to dance too. I swapped partners to him, and somehow, he still looked like a wobbling grandmother. Johnny kept giving me the side-eye, and I mouthed "don't worry," to him. Eventually, he stopped staring and went to use the bathroom. 

When the song ended, we all clapped, and Pony was red and out of breath.

"Man, that was hilarious," Steve said, slapping his knees. "I would pay money to see that again!"

"Ha, ha," Ponyboy said. "Ain't it a show." 

"Sure is," Soda said. "Come on, kids, let's grab some drinks. Non-alcoholic, o' course. You ain't old enough. And plus, Darry would beat the tar outa us."

"You go, I'll catch up." I was waiting for Johnny so we could grab something together. That's when a guy walked up to me.

"You're a good dancer," he said. "Sign me up next time, doll." 

"She's with me," Johnny said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"That little stick? Come on, baby, I can do better," he slurred. I could smell the alcohol on him. 

"Fuck off, man, that's my girlfriend," Johnny snapped. He pulled me in closer. I hadn't seen him so defensive like that before. The man shrugged and walked off. 

"Come on, let's get outa here," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out. Two bad experience's at Buck's, huh. Lesson learned. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon