Always and Forever - Y/N POV

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Warnings: None

Word Count: 406

Eventually, Darry managed to knock my father out and we all went home a little shaken up. I told them how that was my father, and they all seemed to understand a little better why I had left. He was crazy. 

When we got back, Darry passed out beers to everyone. He didn't care that we were too young anymore, just that we needed to lighten our heads. 

I sat down on the couch and Dally quickly sat down next to me while Johnny was in the bathroom cleaning up. 

"You still love him," he said, quietly. He was trying to hide it, but I could sense the sadness in his voice.

"I do," I whispered. He smiled sadly. 

"You know, I really like you Y/N. I want you to be happy. And being with Johnny makes you happy," he said, looking me directly in the eyes. "But it was nice while it lasted." 

"Dally. You're a really great guy. Sure, you can be tough and mean, but you're also kind, sweet, caring-"

"Shut your trap, kid." 

"It's true. And I know you have a reputation you don't want to ruin, but sometimes, if you let that wall down, you might be in for a surprise."

Dally smirked. "You think?"

"Of course. One day, you'll find a girl as great as you, and you'll know she is the one. Maybe Cherry Valance."

"Awe shut up," he said, jokingly. Johnny emerged, and Dally immediately got up from the couch and winked at me. 

"Hey," Johnny said.


We stayed quiet for a while after that, until I couldn't stop myself. I slowly moved towards him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. 

"I missed that," he said, softly. Then, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm so sorry." He softly kissed me. He didn't make it rough, but it was passionate and loving and caring. Eventually, he pulled away. 

"Apology accepted," I smirked. 

I felt him slide something into my hand, and I saw the half heart necklace. "Will you wear this? I lost the other one. I'm so sorry." 

"Of course I will. Will you put it on?" 

Johnny kneeled in back of me and slowly clasped the necklace back onto my neck. I laced my fingers through his and stood up and we walked into the bedroom. I brushed past Dally.

"Thanks, Dal."

"For what?"

"For everything." 

Dally smiled as we went inside, gently closing the door. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now