Civil War - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Language, Violence

Word Count: 932

I immediately pushed Johnny off of me, very unceremoniously. He toppled onto his back, and we both pretended to be stargazing. The gang stumbled out the back door, led by Two-Bit, who was reeling pickled. So was Steve. And Dally. 

"By God, there you two are!" Dally exclaimed, taking a swig of beer. "Man, I work here but somehow Buck kicked the lot of us out for fighting.!" 

What else did I expect. "Are we gonna let that son of a bitch ruin our night?" Two-Bit said, bounding towards us. "We still got a radio and a two six packs of beers!" 

"Fuck yeah!" Steve exclaimed. Two-Bit tossed him the radio he swiped from Merrill's desk. He aggressively clicked the buttons and 'Johnny B. Goode' by Chuck Berry came on. 

"Whoo!" Two-Bit gleefully shouted, doing a cartwheel and singing along.

"Hey Johnny, this is your song, ain't it?" I teased him, jokingly. 

"Lay off," Johnny smiled. 

"Yeah, Johnnycakes, this one's for you," Dally yelled, pointing at Johnny and flipping off of a car. Of course, he didn't land on his feet. Rather, flat on his back and flinging his beer across the grass. Steve, on the other hand, successfully completed a back flip. 

"Hah, sucker!" Steve scoffed, laughing at Dally and mocking him. 

"Godamnit!" Dally exclaimed, pouncing on him. They engaged in a friendly brawl, rolling and pounching. They were so drunk. 

Johnny grabbed my hand and started dancing. The beat was much faster, and Johnny and I spun around, laughing. Everybody cheered us on, and Steve quit fighting with Dally to go dance with Soda. Dally and Two-Bit started dancing solo and Darry stared at us like we were nuts. I had never laughed so hard in my life. I could hardly breathe from all the running and dancing and laughing. Finally, the music ended and Johnny and I collapsed onto the floor. 

"Oh my God, that was amazing," I huffed. 

"You two are nuts," Darry called from afar. "Hey, have any of y'all seen Ponyboy?" 

"Nup," Dally yelled, rushing up to us and handing us both beers. "Here, take a drink, kid. It'll put some hair on your chest." With that, Dally ran off to do whatever the hell he does. 

"Johnny," I warned, still laughing.

"Bottoms up, kid" Two-Bit said, clinking his bottle against Johnny. Two-Bit downed his bottle in about ten seconds. Johnny followed along. He made a disgusted face as soon as he started drinking, but he didn't stop. I gawked at him as he finished the entire bottle and threw it to the grown.

"There's the little man!" Dally cooed, messing up his hair. "Round two!" Dally handed him a second beer. 

"That's enough," I said. 

"Enough's when I say I've had enough, I'm fine." Johnny argued, taking a swing. 

The rest of the time, I hung out with Darry, supervising the boys. They were all rip roarin'. Soda hadn't touched any alcohol, and he still acted like he was as boozed up as Two-Bit, who had just finished his fourth bottle. 

By the time everyone was tired out, it was around three in the morning. We had gotten to Buck's at seven. Darry and I still hadn't seen Ponyboy, and Darry was starting to get worried. 

"See y'all tomorrow," Two-Bit slurred, taking a swing. 

"Bet," Steve said, waving goodbye. 

Johnny was laying on the ground, looking real sick. "Johnny?" I asked, shaking him a little. "Are you alright?"

"No," he groaned, trying to sit up, but failing. "I feel sick-" Johnny was sick for a minute, and I rubbed his back and handed him Darry's handkerchief. 

"What did I tell you?" I scolded, helping him stand. "That was your first time, wasn't it?"

Johnny nodded weakly. "God, my head's pounding-" he complained. 

"Come on, let's get you back," I said, letting him lean on me. "This is why we don't drink underage."

"Dally-" Johnny began. 

"I don't give two fucks about Dally. He's... Dally. You've seen what alcohol can do. You've experienced it first hand," I said, rubbing his back. "No more drinking for you." 

Johnny didn't even argue. He just leaned on my shoulder, groaning. That's when I saw Ponyboy.

"Gee, there you are-" I began. Ponyboy tackled Johnny. "Oh my God!" I screamed, watching them tumble on the ground. Pony grabbed Johnny by the collar and slugged him hard in the face.

"Stop!" I shouted, trying to pull Ponyboy off. I was unsuccessful. They rolled a little more and Johnny got on top and started punching. Then, Pony kicked him hard in the stomach and they tumbled back a little. "Stop!" By then, Darry and Soda and Dallyhad recognized the commotion and rushed over to pull them away from each other. Soda took a hard whack from Pony and crashed into Darry.

"Hey, cut it out you little shits," Dally yelled. Johnny got him hard in the chin. 

"Stop!" I yelled again, pulling at Pony's back. Pony wheeled around and punched me hard. I fell to the floor and cut my cheek on a rock. Great. "Come on, guys, don't make me do this-" I seethed, rushing back up to them. They didn't stop, so I did what I had to do. I roundhouse kicked Pony off of Johnny, grabbed Johnny's arm, twisted it behind his back, and grabbed Pony in a hold by the neck. They both struggled and failed, and eventually calmed down. Darry and Soda took Pony off my hands and pulled him back by his two arms, and I restrained Johnny. 

"What the fuck is the matter with you two?" I shouted. "We're going back, and once the alcohol wears off, we're having a serious talk." 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now