We're All Here - Y/N POV

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Warnings: None

Word Count: 589

"Hello?" I asked. I don't know where I was. It was dark. Not one hint of light. Not one sound, smell, anything. Am I dead? "Hello?" I called again. No response. I spun around. Where am I? 

"Johnny?" It seemed to echo. onny, onny, onny, onny, onny... "Ponyboy? Dally? Mom!" I called for anyone, everyone, anyone that I could think of. I curled up on the floor with my knees to my chest. I have to be dead. There is no other explanation. This isn't heaven. Or hell. This has got to be purgatory or some form of torture. 

In the distance, I could see something moving. "Hello?" I called, standing up and walking towards it. Red and gray madras. I would recognize him from anywhere. "Bob," I breathed, slowly backing away. 

"You killed me," he said, slowly approaching me. 

"I didn't mean to-" I said. I could feel tears running down my face. "I'm sorry, please!" I looked up again, and there he was, switchblade in neck. Inches from my face.

"You killed me!

"No!" I cried, running in the opposite direction. There he was again. Right in front of me. I stopped so quickly, I fell backwards. Desperately, I crawled backwards, looking for anything to defend myself. He pounced on me, pinning my arms to the ground.

"Murderer," he whispered, into my ear. 

"Please, I'm sorry," I sobbed. 

"Sorry isn't good enough," he said, pulling the knife out of his neck. "Sorry isn't good enough for this." He held the knife up to my neck. I screamed as he plunged it down, down right into my body- and then he was gone. 

I quickly stood up and looked around. Another figure. With blue jeans and a plaid button up shirt. "Dad?" I asked. I ran up to hug him, but he quickly pushed me off and shoved me to the floor.

"It's your fault." he said, staring at me. "It's your fault she's gone!" He didn't specify, but I knew that he meant mom. I was the one in the car when we had gotten hit. I was the one who was talking to her. I distracted her. And the car crashed. 

"No," I said, slowly, still crying. "I didn't mean to- I was just-" 

"I didn't mean to!" he said, mocking me. "She is DEAD because of you!"

"Please-" I begged. 

"I wish you were never born," he spat, slapping me hard. Then, he vanished. Just like Bob. I laid curled up on the floor, weeping. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I immediately sat up. 

"Mom!" I cried, hugging her. She hugged me back as I sobbed. "I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"You killed me," I heard. I pulled away from her, and now, instead of her fresh face, she was bloody and red. Just like that night. In that car crash. 

"No!" I screamed, crawling backwards. "I didn't! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"

"Come join me," she said. 

"Come join us," her voice became distorted, and suddenly there were so many. So many people. Mom, Dad, Bob Sheldon, the gang. All bloody. I screamed as they closed in on me, and then, they were gone. 

"You're gonna be okay, right?" I heard. I didn't know where it came from. It echoed all around the place. Johnny's voice. "Come on, man, please-" He was crying. 

"Johnny! Johnny! I'm right here!" I screamed, looking around. I didn't hear his voice again. My body crumpled to the floor as I wept endlessly. This time, I didn't run out of tears. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now