Attempted Murder - Johnny POV

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Warnings: Violence, Assault

Word Count: 836

I watched as Y/N slowly kicked up out of the water, tossing her hair out of his face. I hadn't had such a good time in a while. We both walked through the woods, heading back to the main path. 

"Are you cold?" I asked, offering her my jacket.

"A bit," she replied, throwing the jacket over the both of us. She snuggled close to my chest, letting my body heat warm her up a little. I breathed a sigh of contentment and we slowly walked back onto the street and started heading back to the Curtis house. 

Everything was silent, except for the chirping of the crickets along the sides of the roads and the occasional car passing by. It was so peaceful. Until I caught sight of a bright red Stingray coming up on us at a fast pace. I quickly pulled Y/N aside as it whizzed past us at lighting speed. Then, it turned around and came back. A bunch of really tough-looking boys got out of the car holding switchblades. I held Y/N tighter as they approached. 

"Well, well, well, the devil herself. Look here, boys. It's the chick who killed Bob," one of them said, spinning his switchblade around his fingers. "And a little JD." He snarled at me. I recognized him as one of the people that had jumped me and given me the scar on my cheek. He hadn't been there that night when Bob died, but he might as well have been based on the looks he was giving us. They slowly circled around us, and Y/N and I pulled out our switchblades, back to back. 

"This is our territory," I warned in a deep voice. "Get outa here." 

"Whoo, looks like you've got a little feistier since I last saw ya," he said, coming up to my face. He was clearly a lot larger than me, and his curly black hair almost touched my forehead he was so close. "That's good. Maybe you'll give us a little more entertainment and put up a better fight." He smiled grimly, and I felt my stomach go to my throat. 

"Leave us alone," Y/N snapped, in a fighting stance. 

"Not until I get what I want," he said, roughly brushing past me and looking straight at Y/N. "I want you to feel it."

"What?" she asked. She acted tough, but I could sense the panic in her voice. 

"I want you to know how Bob felt. " 

Her eyes flashed with fear, and suddenly, I felt myself restrained by the other boys. "I didn't aim to kill him! I was scared-I'm so sorry-" 

"Yeah, it's a little too late for that." 

He swung the switchblade, and Y/N barely dodged it. I tried to yell, but I found a handkerchief muffling my mouth. I pulled and tugged, but one of them kicked me in the stomach. It was then that I recognized him. I had seen him in the paper. Thomas Sheldon, Bob's brother, who got placed in an asylum for stalking, raping, and attempting to murder his ex-girlfriend. He was crazy. I managed to headbutt one of the boys off of me, and landed a couple of blows to the others, but they managed to pin me to the ground with my arms locked behind my back. I could only struggle and watch as Thomas pinned Y/N to the ground and pressed into her neck. 

"Do you feel it?" he asked, maniacally. "Do ya?" 

She struggled under his grip, and I desperately flailed and kicked. 

"You feel it now," he laughed, pulling out his switchblade. "Now, I want you to die." He slowly cut her face, running the knife down her cheek as she screamed agonizingly. "Slowly... painfully..." Her eyes fluttered shut. 

The boys on top of me looked shocked. "What are you doing, man?" one asked. "That's too far-"

"Did I ask for your fucking opinion?" Thomas yelled. "Want to join her?" 

The boys immediately hopped of and ran. I immediately ran up to Y/N, but Thomas elbowed me in the face, effectively knocking me down. Soon, I found myself pinned underneath him as he ruthlessly pummeled me. 

"You should have stayed put, you little piece of shit," he snarled, flipping me onto my back and grabbing my left arm in a lock behind my head. pop. A sharp pain flooded my arm, and I cried out in pain. I couldn't even describe the pain. It was like nothing I had ever felt, even the day that I got my scar. "I expected a better fight, man," he laughed, pushing my shoulder out of place more as I screamed. 

"Get off of him!" 

Thomas fell down, unconscious, and I saw Y/N standing weakly with a rock in her hand. Her face was soaked in blood. I slowly sat up, tearing up. I looked down at my shoulder, and started sobbing uncontrollably. 

"Can you walk?" she asked, helping me up.

I nodded, and we quickly hobbled over to the hospital. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now