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Warnings: Violence, Language

Word Count: 1072

It was quiet at two thirty in the morning. No cars in the road, no other people except just Johnny, Pony, and I. It was pretty cold out though, Johnny adjusted his jean jacket. I had a light sweater and I felt real bad for Pony. He was in just a sleeveless t-shirt looking like he was about to turn into a popsicle. Johnny read my mind.

"Ain't you about to freeze to death, Pony?"

"You ain't a'woofin'," Pony confirmed, rubbing his hands along his arms to heat himself up. 

"Then we should get goin'" I said, hopping down from the arch. I almost lost my footing when I heard a loud honk. A blue mustang was driving around the park. Johnny took the words from my head again.

"Oh shit," he said, very quietly. 

"What do they want? This is our territory. What are Socs doing this far east?" 

"I don't know, but I bet they're looking for us. You and Two picked up their girls," I muttered. 

"I didn't pick Cherry up," Ponyboy whispered. 

"Glory, this is all I need to top off a perfect night," I groaned. 

"Wanna run for it?" Pony asked.

"Too late now," Johnny and I said, exchanging worried glances. "Here they come." 

Five Socs came at us, looking drunk as hell. Johnny reached into his back pocket for his switchblade, and I clenched my fists. Johnny and I were looking pale, though. From the looks of my shaking fists, I was scared. Johnny looked terrified as well. Ponyboy whipped his head around looking for something- anything. 

Randy and Bob led three other Socs, Bob's rings glistening in the moonlight. He did his best to look tough, just like me, but we were both panicking. Pony wasn't doing much better. 

"Hey whatta ya know? Here's the little greasers that picked up our girls. Plus one traitor. Hey, greasers." 

"You're outta your territory, you'd better watch it," Johnny said, in a deep voice.

"Nup, pal, yer the ones who'd better watch it," he said to Johnny, showing off his rings. Johnny gulped, then he turned to Pony. "Next time you want a broad, pick up your own kind - dirt. You know what a greaser is? White trash with long hair." 

"You know what a Soc is?" Pony asked, stepping up. I'd never seen him more confident. He looked tuff. "White trash with mustangs and madras." With that, he spit on them. Johnny and my eyes widened. Bob smiled slowly and I knew we were in for it. 

"You could use a bath, greaser. And a good working over. And we've got all night to do it. Give the kid a bath, David." 

Pony, Johnny, and I bolted in different directions. Two went after Pony, Two went after Johnny, and one went after me. I didn't get far, I was already tired, but I managed to climb back onto the arch. 

"Coming for you," he said, starting the climb. As soon as he was high enough, I stepped on his fingers as hard as I could. He cursed and climbed up again. I tried kicking, but another one came at me to help out the first guy. By then, the first guy was on the arch. I felt my fists heat up and I got into a fighting stance.

"Awe, is the broad gonna fight?" he asked, mocking me. 

"Hell yeah," I said. With that, I nailed him in the nose, kneed him in the stomach, and hook kicked him off the arch. He fell down with a splat. Before I could gloat, the second one pulled me off the arch by my ankle and flung me to the ground. I landed flat on my back and it knocked the wind straight out of me. 

The first one hopped right on top of me, saying, "You're a looker. I hope the greasers won't mind if I take a peek." He started peeling my shirt downwards. He had my arms pinned, and the other one was holding my legs. 

"Get off of her!" Johnny shouted, punching the guy off.

"Whoo, the little greaser's angry I'm making a move on his broad. Maybe he wants a matching scar." 

With the first guy off, I hit the second guy with an uppercut and broke loose. They were carrying Pony over to the fountain. Oh no. I turned around to look at Johnny. The first guy was lined up for a good kick while the second one held him. The third one that was after Johnny came up to me and kicked me to the floor. Boy, he was strong. He had me down in a second, arms pinned behind my back and face pressed into the floor.

"Watch," he demanded, pulling my hair up with my head. 

I flung my head upwards, effectively hitting my head into his nose. He dropped me quickly, and I rushed forwards. I tackled the guy just before he could hit Johnny. He had an earring on. I grabbed it and yanked it down hard. His earlobe ripped out. He screamed. That should keep him down a while. Then I heard the blubbering. They were drowning him. 

"Pony!" I called. I rushed up to the fountain, but someone shoved me to the ground. It was the one I headbutted. His nose was bleeding and broken. 

"You're gonna pay for this-" he said. He smashed my head against the ground. It was grass, but it was enough. I don't know how many times he did it, all I know is that I couldn't move. 

My vision was blurry, but I could make out Pony struggling in the fountain and the other guys kicking Johnny, who was already on the ground. I rolled onto my back. I could barely move. Something... shiny. Johnny's switchblade lay in the grass. I flipped onto my stomach and crawled. The metal was cool against my fingers. This was it. I had to stop this. I pushed myself off the ground, ran up to one of the guys holding Pony in the water, and plunged the blade into his neck. 

It took me a minute to realize what I had done. They all ran. Every Soc. They dropped Johnny and they dropped Pony and they just ran. I stumbled backwards and fell against the side of the fountain, clutching the switchblade in my hand. Bob did his best to stay standing. Then he collapsed. What have I done. What. Have. I. Done. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now