Reconciling - Ponyboy POV

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Warnings: None

Word Count: 467

I peered through the back of the church, watching Y/N and Johnny. My heart broke a little, but I knew that they were good for each other. I had been watching them. I really liked Y/N. She's so strong and caring and kind. I don't think that I'll find anyone like her again, but you know what people say. If you love someone, you gotta let 'em go. A small tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly brushed it off. There are plenty of other girls who would love me. Just, not Y/N. 

They strolled up to me, hand in hand, and I stuffed my hands in my pocket, kicking at the dirt. Y/N was right. Johnny was my best friend, and it ain't his fault. 

"Johnny, I'm sorry," I said, looking at the floor. "I didn't mean to." 

"I'm sorry too, Ponyboy," Johnny said. "I shouldn't have fought you."

"Me neither. You're my best friend." 

I reached out, hugging him tight. "We ain't gonna fight anymore, right?" I asked.

"Naw, I think we got it all out."

Johnny and I chuckled and split apart. "So, now that that is settled, can we go home now? This place is giving me memories, and not the good kind.

Y/N fiddled with her hair nervously. "Well, uh, I didn't think that you guys would make up so fast... we might be here for a while." 

"What?" Johnny and I groaned in unison. 

"No!" I shouted.

She laughed nervously and I started chasing her. Boy, was she fast. I thought I was a good track runner. Johnny was on my left, a bit slower than me, but eventually, we ran her down and we both tackled her. 

"Alright! I'm sorry! Lay off!" she said, laughing.

"Apology accepted," I said, climbing off of her. "So, when are you telling the gang? About you both?"

Johnny and her looked at each other. 

"Okay, dating in secret," I said, sarcastically. 

"No, we're gonna tell them. Just not yet," Johnny said, grabbing Y/N's hand.

"Alright, I respect that," I said. "So, whatcha wanna do?" 

"Three of a kind," I said, putting my cards down. Johnny groaned, revealing his pair. Maybe I had finally won. Nope.

"Straight flush," Y/N said, slapping her cards down. 

This time, I groaned. "Awe, it's no fun playing with you. We never win!" 

"That makes another fifty for me," Y/N said, smirking. 

"We should play something else," I said, angrily.

"Actually, I'm getting kind of tired," Johnny said. "I think I'm gonna hit the hay." 

"Me too," Y/N said. Johnny and Y/N lied down, Johnny resting his head on her chest. She gently combed her fingers through her hair. I felt a little jealous, but I pushed down that feeling and went beside Johnny, using his legs as pillows. This was certainly bringing back some memories. 

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