Ponyboy Got Jumped

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Warnings: Language

Word Count: 1122 (longer chapter, expect chapters to be longer now :) )

I woke up really late. The sun was already high up and breakfast had already been eaten. I guess I'd went to bed late so it kind of made sense. When I finally dragged myself off the couch, Ponyboy was gone. Darry and Soda didn't know where he was, they just assumed he had wandered off some place. That's when I heard muffled cries. I couldn't make them out well, but it sounded an awful lot like Ponyboy calling for help. 

Soda, Darry, and I exchanged worried glances before we burst out the door in full sprint, running down the road. We met up with the rest of the gang on the way and they also started running too. Pony was on the ground with a bunch of Socs pinning him down and one of them looked like they had a switchblade to his neck. I was the first one there and I swear I've never flung someone so hard. 

"Get off of him, dickhead!" I shouted, giving the guy a good punch to the face. By then, the rest of the gang had arrived and chased off the rest of the Socs. The one guy tripped over a rock while cussing me out and the rest of the gang chased them into their car and threw rocks and sticks at the car while cursing right back. Before the car started, I grabbed a broken shard of glass and jabbed it into their tires. They sped off real quick, shouting "Crazy bitch!". They weren't getting far with a jacked up tire. I smiled triumphantly and ran back to Pony. Darry and Soda surrounded him. Darry was shaking him and Soda cleaned him up with a handkerchief. 

"Did they pull a blade on you?" Soda, asked. 

"No shit, Soda," I said, helping clean him up. By that point, Pony was crying. The poor kid was vibrating. 

"Easy, kid, they ain't gonna hurt you no more." Soda said, comforting him.

"I know, I'm just a little spooked, that's all," Pony replied. 

"You're an okay kid, Pony." 

"You're crazy, Soda, out of your mind," Ponyboy chuckled.

"I have to agree on that one," I said, laughing and slapping Pony's back. He winced like I'd just whacked him with a baseball bat and I immediately stopped and started rubbing it gently. 

"You're all nuts," Darry cut in. 

"It seems to run in the family," Soda said, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Didya catch em?" Pony asked, wiping off his tears. Poor kid. 

"Nup, those dirty bitch-ass mother fucking shitheads that look like goddamn rasins with goddamn bad-ass attitudes fucking took their fucking shitty asses and ran away like fucking babies." Two-Bit said, smiling. I had never heard so many curse words used in a sentence. I should have covered poor Ponyboy's ears. 

"The kid's okay?" Dally asked, pulling out a pack of Kools. 

"I'm okay," Ponyboy pressed. 

Dally started passing around cigarettes, and eventually handed me one. "Dallas, you ain't about to smoke, are you?" I asked. 

"Bet, we are," Dally said, popping up onto a car. Everyone sat and smoked as I tried to hold by breath from the fumes. I had never smoked before. In all honesty, I was about to grab one but if B/N found out he'd beat the tar outta me. Damn, now I'm speaking in slang. I guess this is what I get for hanging out with JDs. 

"Really nice lookin bruise you got there, kid." Two-Bit said, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Really?" Pony asked, running his finger over his cheek. I ran my finger over my cheek too. I didn't have a bruise. Just a scar. And it didn't look nice, it just looked scar-ish. 

"Nice cut, too. Makes you look tough." Two-Bit continued, blowing a smoke ring in my face. I held my breath and but my t-shirt up my face. 

"What were you doing, walking by your lonesome?"

"I was coming home from the movies. I didn't think-" 

Darry cut in. "You don't ever think-" I didn't listen to the rest of his rant. I understood why Ponyboy complained so much about Darry. He was acting like my dad, just not reeling pickled. I didn't really know what he was going on, but I managed a quiet, "Darry, lay off, ey? He didn't mean to." 

"Yeah, leave my kid brother alone, ya hear? It ain't his fault he likes to go to the movies, and it ain't his fault the Socs like to jump us..." Soda stopped at looked at me. "Not you, o'course, and if he'd been carrying a blade, it would have been a good excuse to cut him to ribbons." 

"When I want my kid brother and sorta kid sister to tell me what to do with my other kid brother, I'll ask you - kid brother and sister." 

I kinda felt bad, but my heart was dancing. I had a new family, at least for a little bit. Two-Bit interrupted my train of thoughts with a, "Next time, get one of us to go with you, Pony. Any of us will." 

"Speakin' of movies, I'm heading to the Nighty Double tomorrow night. Anyone want to come and hunt some action? If you know what I mean..." Dally flicked his cigarette butt and my head and winked at me. I would have slugged him right there, but boy, was he attractive. Snap out of it-. I swore I turned as red as a tomato and I brushed my hair into my face to hide it. I missed most of what the gang said, except for the loud, "Me, Johnny, and Y/N'll come." What? No! Not with- not with HIM! I glanced at Darry for help, but he just said, "Yeah, since it ain't a school night." I may have mixed up my 'please help me' look and my 'please let me' look. Great. 

"I was planning to get boozed up tomorrow night, if I don't, I'll walk over and find y'all." 

"You break up with Sylvia again?" Soda asked Dally.

"Yeah, and this time it was for good. That little broad was two timing me again while I was in jail." Dally turned and looked at me with a smirk. "Which means, I'm all open for takes." 

I flushed brighter than a stop sign and quickly excused myself to use the bathroom. I stayed in Pony and Soda's room of the day convincing myself that I ain't about to fall for a hoodlum that just got out of jail and almost got me murdered in Buck's. I believed myself after a while, and just watched Pony read "Great Expectations". I think he was getting weirded out by me, but I didn't mind. That night, I slept on the floor of Pony and Soda's room. Boy, was it hot in there. 

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