Drifting Apart - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 414

I woke up to a ton of noise. I quickly threw the sheets off of the bed and ran into the living room, where I found Johnny all bloodied and bruised.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I asked, rushing up to him. 

"The little punk got in a fight," Dally said, handing him an ice pack. "Best bet is that he started it too." I gawked at Johnny as he wiped the blood off of his chin. 

"Don't get like me," Dally demanded, smacking Johnny hard across the back of his head. "Don't get hardened up." 

I could have sworn that Johnny muttered a curse at Dally as Dally went to grab him a glass of water. 

"Johnny, you got in a fight?" I asked, grabbing a towel and wiping his face. 

"So what?" he seethed, fidgeting with his cigarette. "I ain't allowed to fight?"

"You shouldn't," I scolded.

"What's stoppin' me?" he spat, flicking his lighter on and off. 

I sighed and cleaned up his face. "What happened?" I asked, washing off the towel.

"A bunch of Socs came around and flicked their cancer weeds at me while I was in the lot," he breathed.

"Did they jump you?" I asked worriedly.

"Naw," he said.

"So what happened?"

"Gosh, you sure are annoying sometimes," he snapped. "Stop being so nosy." I stared at him in pure shock. Dally dropped the glass of water that he was holding. Did he just say that? 

"What are you looking at?" Johnny asked Dally. Dally quickly cleared his throat and started picking up the glass shards. Johnny just stood up and left. I was about to go after him, but Dally quickly snatched my wrist and prevented me from leaving.

"What's the matter with him?" I asked, flopping onto the couch feeling like trash. 

"No clue. I ain't never seen Johnny act like that before," Dally added, tossing the broken glass into the trashcan and wiping up the water. 

Over the next few days, Johnny got into a total of five fights with about twenty different Socs. He didn't actually win any of them, but from what I heard, he was the one that instigated them. Johnny wouldn't talk to me about anything that happened. In fact, Johnny barely talked to me at all. All he would do was mumble a soft 'hi' and stay silent for the rest of the time. I didn't know what was wrong with him, and it was really getting me worried. But I was going to find out. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now