The Curtis Brothers

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Warnings: Language, Mentions of Assault

Word Count: 369 (Very Short Chapter)  

My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I sit up quickly. I'm not in my room, I'm not in my house! My head swerves around the room. There is a window, and I'm in a full sized bed, and there are clothes and men's underwear lying around, and oh my gosh, what is that smell? I slide out of the bed, out of the room, and into a really tiny hallway There is a lot of noise coming from the end of the hall. I run through and enter a kitchen. The same three boys are huddled around a dining table having what looks like eggs, jelly, and chocolate cake. 

"Hey, she awakens. Morning, princess, how was your sleep?" asks the handsome one. The smaller one must be his younger brother. They look so much alike. The older one is either their father or older brother, I can't really tell. 

"What- what- where the hell am I?" I manage to say.

"Name's Sodapop," he says, standing up and shaking my hand quite roughly. "Sodapop Curtis."

"Sodapop?" I ask. He must be joking. God, I hope he's joking. Nope, the way he's looking at me, I think he's serious. "I- I mean that's a very unique name."

"You bet," he says, grinning. "This is my kid brother, Ponyboy, and this is Darry. My older brother." So one of them has a normal name. Boy, Sodapop and Ponyboy, that has got to be the most interesting names I've ever heard. 

"We found you on the dirt. Got jumped pretty bad, huh?" 

All of the memories of what happened came flooding back. Bob and his gang, the switchblade, the rings. I wish I could forget. I ran my fingers over my cheek and feel rough cuts. 

"Better eat, you're looking awful pale." 

He slides me a plate of scrambled eggs, grape jelly, and cold chocolate cake. I don't really know what to do, I've never been great with people. I kind of take my fork and push the food around the plate. It's really quiet. I think I'm making it quiet. Suddenly, the door swings open with a slam and I fling my head around to a bunch of loud boys. What the fu-

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now