Daddy Issues

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Warnings: Violence, Language

Word Count: 449

I opened the door as quietly as possible. My dad's eyes were fixated on the TV and Margaret was probably in the bedroom. It was all going well until a gust of random wind blew the door shut and it loudly slammed. Dad's eyes shot towards me and I could tell that he was drunk. His eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were dilated. Oh shit. Then I remembered he was at the casino. Double shit. If he lost a ton of money, guess who he's going to take it out on. The one who he blames for killing Mom. 

"Little shit!" I heard before a bottle came whizzing past my face. I managed to duck just in time as it shattered on the wall. 

"Dad! Stop!" B/N yelled, grabbing Dad's arm. 

"Get off of me!" Dad says, breaking loose and charging at me. When it's Dad, I can never fight. I just freeze. All I can do is watch as he grabs me by my shoulder and barrel tosses me against the wall.

"Dad!" B/N shouts, running to my side. Dad pulls B/N away and smashes my head against the wall. 

"Stop!" B/N pushes Dad off me, and Dad shoves him. B/N loses his footing and I see as he slips and his head falls into the counter. 

"B/N!" I cry, running up to him. He's out cold. It isn't long before another bottle flies at me, crashing into the fridge. One of the pieces of glass cuts me in the arm. 

"I'm gonna kill you, bitch!" Dad says, grabbing another bottle. I can feel the tears stinging in my eyes and I rush upstairs as fast as I can and lock myself in my room. I sink against the door and I tears flow out of my eyes. Dad storms up the stairs and starts banging against the door. "Come out!" 

He starts kicking and I bury my head against my knees. I've had enough! I grab my backpack, stuff my savings and a small jacket inside, and open the window just as Dad breaks down the door. Desperately, I jump out and roll down the ledge of the overhang above the porch. The fall from there isn't too high, and I gather myself from my fall. I don't stop running.

"That's right! Run away! I don't ever want to see you again!" 

I'm all-out bawling. I can't take it. Bob, Dad, it's all too much for me to handle. I don't know where I'm going. I just follow the path that Pony and Johnny and I took to get here. For all I know, I could end up back at the Curtis house. Any place is better than here. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now