No More Tears Left to Cry

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Word Count: 647

Ponyboy glared sullenly and trying to cheer him up, Johnny said, "Oh, shoot, it's just hair." 

"Shoot nothing," Ponyboy snapped. "It took me a long time to get that hair just the way I wanted it. And besides, this just ain't us. It's like being in a halloween costume we can't get out of! At least Y/N looks good!" 

Johnny made another noise and said, "Well, we got to get used to us. We're in big trouble and it's our looks or us."

Pony chomped on a candy bar. "I'm still tired." I saw a tear run down his cheek, then another. He frantically wiped them off. 

"I'm sorry I cut your hair off, Ponyboy," I said, guiltily. 

"It ain't your fault," Johnny said. 

"Oh, it ain't that, I mean, not all of it. I'm just a little spooky. I really don't know whats the matter. I'm just mixed up."

"I know," I said. "Things have been happening so fast-" I had started shivering, remembering the blood. Johnny draped his jacket over me and put his arms around me to warm me up. 

"Two-Bit shoulda been in that little one-horse store. Man, we're in the middle of nowhere; the nearest house is two miles away. Things were layin' out wide open, just waitin' for somebody slick like Two-Bit to come and pick 'em up. He coulda walked out with half the store," Johnny said, distracting me. 

"Good ol'Two-Bit," Pony said, smiling. "Remember how he was wisecrackin' last night? Last night...just last night we were walkin' Cherry and Marcia over to Two'Bit's. Just last night we were layin' in the lot lookin' up at the stars and dreaming..." His words filled my mind with 'last night'. The blood, the horror, the pain-

"Stop it!" I shouted, standing up. "Shut up about last night! I killed a kdi last night! He couldn't have been over seventeen or eighteen, and I killed him. How'd you like to live with that?" Tears were running down my face as I paced back and forth through the church, gnawing on my nail. I had chewed it so hard that it was bleeding. Johnny quickly pulled me back down to the ground, but I stood back up and pulled loose from his grip. "I didn't mean to. But they were drownin' you and they were about to beat Johnny like before and they were gonna do some bad things to me and I was so scared- there sure is a lot of blood in people." 

"Whatta we gonna do?" Ponyboy said, starting to cry. Johnny was also starting to tear up a little. Boy, it took a lot to make Johnny cry and he didn't do nothing. 

"This is my fault!" I said, miserable. "For bringin' poor Johnny into this, and for bringin' a little thirteen-year-old kid along. You both ought to go home. You can't get into any trouble. You didn't kill him." 

"No!" Ponyboy and Johnny screamed. Ponyboy yelled, "I'm fourteen! I've been fourteen for a month! I'll stop crying in a minute, I can't help it!" 

"Y/N! We're in this as much as you are! I- I'll stop crying too, just give me a minute!" 

"I didn't mean it like that, guys, don't cry. Pony, Johnny, we'll be okay. Don't cry."

We slumped against the wall and I leaned on Johnny's shoulder. Pony leaned on mine. Johnny let me wipe my tears on his jacket and rest my head on his chest until we all fell asleep. 

"Johnny?" I softly asked. "You awake?" 

"Yeah," he said, gently stroking my head. 

"We ain't gonna cry no more, are we?" I asked, breathing into his chest.

"Nope. We're all cried out now. We're gettin' used to the idea. We're gonna be okay now."

"We got no more tears left to cry," I said, sleepily, moving my head down to his lap. I feel asleep with him petting my head slowly. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now