Y/N the temporary Curtis

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Warnings: None 

Word Count: 610 

When I woke up, I was still leaning on Johnny, who was fast asleep. I quickly took of his jacket and put it back on him. I didn't mean to wake him up, but I did.

"Hmm? Oh, hey, Y/N," he said, tiredly. "Where you going?"

"I don't know," I replied, grabbing my soggy backpack and checking to make sure I still had everything. 

"Wanna go to the Curtis house?" Johnny asked with a yawn. 

I thought for a moment. I wouldn't want to impose, but I guess I had nowhere else to go. "Sure."

Johnny walked me to the Curtis house, offering me his jacket many times, to which I refused. I had a jacket, it was just wet. It would only take a little while to dry off. When we got there, Ponyboy and Darry looked surprised to see me. Soda didn't for some reason. Steve was lying on the couch.

"Morning Y/N," Soda said. Steve came up to me and handed me a piece of half eaten chocolate cake. He didn't say anything because his mouth was full. It didn't make it any less gross though. He had cake crumbs lining his entire face. When Steve went back to hang with Soda, I set the cake down in the trash can. Thanks, but no thanks, Steve. 

"Hey Y/N," Ponyboy said, sliding up next to me. "Oh my- what happened to your face?" Pony was about to poke the wound on my head but I slapped his hand away. 

"Long story short, my dad was drunk and angry, so he beat me up and threw me out of the house." Everyone sat in silence until Steve choked on a piece of chocolate cake. 

"Do you need a place to stay?" Ponyboy asked. "You can stay with us?"

It was my turn to choke. I couldn't possibly. I didn't want to be a burden. "No, no, no, it's alright I'll find a motel or something. Plus, you didn't even confirm with your brothers-"

"Darry, can she stay with us?" Soda asked. Darry looked really confused as Pony and Soda stared him down.

"Alright, but she's gonna have to take the couch." Darry said, giving in. 

"No, really, I really don't have to stay-" 

"Relax, it's only for a little. Until your old man cools off, savvy?" Soda replied, messing up my hair. 

"Thank you. Thank's a lot, guys." 

"Our pleasure," Soda says, putting his feet on the table.

"Feet off the table," Darry scolds, throwing Soda's feet back to the floor. "Same rules apply to you too, Y/N." 

"You won't have to worry about me," I laugh. 

The rest of the day I spent getting used to the Curtis household. I learned a lot about the Curtis brothers and about the gang. Boy can Ponyboy talk about the gang. He went on a huge rant about Darry and how handsome Sodapop was and how his eyes were grey, not green. Also about how Steve didn't like him and how Dally was his least favorite member because he's so mean. He didn't say much about Two-Bit, only that he reminded him of Will Rogers and that he was the wisecracker. He talked most about Johnny and explained a lot about him. We had a lot in common. It seemed Ponyboy realized that too. He didn't talk about himself though. But he did talk about his parents. I could relate to him a lot. 

After Mom passed away, B/N took over most of taking care of me. Dad just couldn't. Not after losing mom. Grief swallowed him into a hole that he couldn't climb out of. Thank goodness B/N was there or I might have suffered the same fate. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now