This Church is on Fire

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 561

"Let's go see what the deal is," Pony said, quickly hopping out. 

"What for?" Dally asked, irritated.

"Pony! What are you doing- Pony!" I called, following him out. 

"Hey! Y/N!" Johnny yelled, hopping out as well.

"Get back in here before I beat y'all's heads in!" Dally yelled. But we ignored him. "Fucking dumbasses!" 

Pony ran up to a man and asked "What's going on?"

"Well, we don't know for sure. We were having a school picnic here and the first thing we knew, the place is burning up. Thank goodness this is a wet season and the old thing is worthless anyone. Stand back, children. The firemen will be coming soon. 

"I bet we started it," I said, nervously chewing my nail. "We must have dropped a lighted cigarette or something." 

"Jerry, some of the kids are missing!" 

"They're probably around here somewhere. You can't tell with all this excitement where they might be."

"No, they've been missing for at least half an hour. I thought they were climbing the hill-"

Screams. Faint but bloodcurdling screams. From inside the church. My eyes widened. "I told them not to play in the church... I told them..." 

"No, Y/N, you ain't thinkin-" Johnny started. I turned to run to the church but the man grabbed my arm.

"I'll get them. You kids stay out!" I broke loose from his grip in seconds. I can't believe it. This was all our fault! Johnny was screaming for me to get back down, but I didn't listen. I grabbed a giant rock and heaved it through the window and climbed in, cutting my arm in the process. 

"Hey, Y/N," Ponyboy said. Johnny followed soon after.

"You never listen!" he scolded. "It's not safe, you should go."

"Not without the kids," I pressed. "Is that guy coming?" 

"The window stopped him," Johnny replied, covering his mouth. 

"Too scared?" Ponyboy asked.

"Naw, too fat," Johnny smiled. I tried to laugh and inhaled a ton of smoke, so I decided that I should get to it. 

"Where's the kids?" I asked.

"In the back, I guess," Pony shouted. We stumbled through the church, tripping over downed boards and the edges of the pews. I broke through the door to the back room with four or five kids huddled together and screaming bloody murder.

"Shut up! We're goin' to get you out!" Johnny shouted. He sounded so confident and gallant, nothing like before. I snagged one of the nearest kids and handed him off to Pony, who he quickly bit. He then leaned out and dropped the kid. Dally was there too and when he saw us, he went ballistic.

"For Pete's sake, get outa there! The roof's gonna gave in any minute! Forget those blasted kids!" 

I ignored him and we kept feeding the kids through the window. Once the last kid was out of the window, there was a loud creaking sound. 

"Time to go!" I shouted, helping Ponyboy out the window. I essentially threw him out, and he landed flat on his back. I turned to Johnny. "Go!" 

Johnny stood his ground. "You first!" 

"Johnny, I ain't a'woofin!" I shouted, shoving him towards the window. The roof sagged lower. "Get out, now!" 

"Not without you!" 

That's when the roof gave out. In seconds, I quickly grabbed Johnny by the waist and heaved him out of the window with all my strength. And the roof came down on me. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now