Sex Talk - Johnny POV

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Warnings: Mentions of Sex

Word Count: 260

"How'd it go?" Dally asked, scooping me up and essentially throwing me onto the bed in his room at Buck's. He sat down next to me and messed up my hair. "How'd it go?" This time he sang it in a sing-song-ish voice. I hadn't had Dally pegged as the sing-songy guy. 

"It was fine," I said, blushing sheepishly. 

"It was fine," Dally said, mimicking me. "Find any use for that condom yet?" 

"Lay off!" I said, turning tomato red and burying my face in my hands. "And no, we didn't!" 

Dally looked at my face and smirked. "You want to."

"What?" I asked, somehow turning redder. "What, no, no, no, shut your trap-" 

"You know you do-" 


"You want to push her up against a wall and-" 

"Dally!" I whined. 

"Sorry kid," he said. "Came on too strong?" 

"A bit," I chuckled. "Like I said before, I ain't gonna push her past her limits. We both want to take it slow, alright?" 

"Alright," Dally said, smiling. "Now if you didn't use it, I'll be taking it back." 

I rolled my eyes and handed him the condom, still unwrapped and buried deep inside my jeans pocket. As I slowly strolled out of Buck's and into the night air, I thought a little. Dally had lost his virginity and fifteen, and he didn't regret it. So why were we holding back? I shrugged it off. The topic of sex had always made me real uncomfortable, so I tended to avoid conversations as such as much as possible. 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now